New Friends

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"Are you sure?" Wanda asked again.


"But how do you know?"

"Because they have no reason not to," Pietro turned to face her. "They have no reason to hate you, no reason to dislike you."

"But they have no reason to like me, either"

"Wanda, you don't even know them. Don't worry, they won't touch you. Talk, maybe, but they won't touch you. Promise." They stopped outside the dining room doors.

"Pietro, I don't think-"

"It's alright," He said softly, taking her by the shoulders. "It's just people."

"People who have the power to kill me, if they so wish."

"So do you," He reminded her.

"I think I'll eat tomorrow."

"Wanda, you haven't eaten at all today. You don't deserve to starve because of these idiots." She looked around uncertainly. She could hear the voices from inside. "I promise, I won't let anyone do anything. And I'll be right at your side, always."

He pushed open the door, wrapping an arm around his sister's waist and pulling her closer to him. The dining room was full, though some of the older students were training.

"Pietro!" Rogue called from the back table. He smiled and led Wanda over there, sitting her down next to him with his friends. "Didn't see you today. Where ya been?"


"Yeah, right," Kurt smirked. "Since when do you study?"

"Since now." He said sternly. Kurt's laughing expression was suddenly nonexistent. "Angel, what do you want to eat?" Wanda shrugged.

"Pick something." She told him, almost inaudibly. He nodded and stood up, walking over to the buffet.

"Excuse me miss, I don't believe we've met." She stiffened, looking to the blue man. "I'm Kurt." He held out his hand, but Jubilee quickly shook her head.


"Well, Miss Wanda, it is an honor to meet you."

"Thanks...?" She said uncertainly.

"You a friend of Speedy over there?" Rogue asked.

"I...well, I'm his..."

"She's his sister." Jubilee looked at her pityingly. Pietro came back, slamming the trays on the table.

"And is there a problem with her?" He asked.

"Nah, she seems nice," Gambit said with a grin.

"Watch yourself over there, playboy." He pushed a tray in front of Wanda, dropping naturally into Sokovian.

"Prosím, drahá. (Please eat, dear)"

"You enrolling?" Rogue asked.

" No, I'm not."

"And they let you stay?" Kurt said incredulously. Wanda nodded, tentatively eating the pasta Pietro brought for her.

"That's a shame. I was hoping to be able to hang with you some more." Rogue said kindly, popping a french fry in her mouth. "I suppose there is always meals, break and after school."

Wanda just nodded.

"So, what are you planning on doing during the day, Wanda?" Jubilee asked, casting side glances at Pietro.

"I-I'm not sure. I need a lot of rest, so-"

"Why?" Gambit blurted. Pietro looked at him threateningly.

"Well, I'm sick."

"You don't look sick"

"You don't look dumb either," She spat, before immediately covering her mouth with her hands. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"Hey, no hard feelings, girl. You're quite the fighter." He smirked.

"I'm not very hungry," Wanda said quickly, pushing her tray toward her brother. "I'll be up in your room." As soon as she was gone, Pietro was on his feet, holding Gambit by the collar.

"You listen, Remy. You best be very careful what you say to her, lest you find yourself in a wall." He snarled, roughly shoving him back down to his seat. He sat back down, addressing everyone. "My sister is a very anxious person. She is very ill and very afraid. Talk to her with a soft tone, don't touch her. She needs to become stable again and can't do that when she has a panic attack three times a day." He said, annoyed. He grabbed Wanda's unfinished plate and walked out.


"Hey, are you feeling alright?" Wanda was curled up in an armchair by the window.

"Yeah," She turned to see him in the doorway.

"I brought you something to eat. I know you're hungry." She couldn't eat when she was anxious, she choked. He was hoping she would eat in the room, though.

"Thank you," She whispered, taking the plate from him. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" Pietro sat across from her on the bed.

"I shouldn't have come here. You were just fine without me. Spending time with your friends, learning, playing games. And of course, I had to come screw it all up!"

"No, Wanda no." He stood up and took her in his arms. "No, my angel. You didn't ruin anything. I want you here. I love you, and I missed you. You are no inconvenience. I would always rather be alone with you than with them. And soon, you can be learning and playing with me." She shook her head against his chest. "Please, stay."



Hey guys! This one's a little longer, and tbh I had zero otivation to write it. Buuutttt iff it'll get me more Maximoff Twins fluff...oh, alright.😪

Let me know what you think!

Talk later,


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