New Liability

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There are times, where Wanda Maximoff is a scared girl who's first instinct is to scream.

But there are times, where she is a force to be reckoned with.


It started when Pietro left for class the next morning. Wanda had insisted he go no matter how scared she was. But halfway through the morning, there was a knock on the door. Taking a deep breath, Wanda opened it, finding a glaring Edith Davis with glowing green eyes. But before she could move, She was thrown backward, crashing into the railing and falling to the first floor. She would have never expected that.


Pietro sighed in frustration as he scribbled out the equation on his paper. Math was never his strong point. A sharp pain interrupted his sulking, making him jump to his feet.

"Pietro? Is something wrong?" Storm asked, walking over to him. He racked his brain, thinking about what could have caused it. Then he stiffened. Wanda. Her mind wasn't strong enough to send a full warning, let alone words.

"I have to go," He said urgently, sprinting out of the room. What he saw, made his brain stop working.

Edith was on the ground, moaning, surrounded by fractured pieces of wood from the railing. But the hole in the railing was right in front of his room.

The room he left Wanda in.

Running upstairs, he found her standing in the doorway, arms outstretched with her red mist surrounding them. She was trembling, staring straight out in front of her. Students were gathering around Edith, but he paid them no attention. He walked behind his sister and gently put his hands on her shoulders, whispering soothingly in her ear.

"Wanda, můj anděle. Je to v pořádku, jsi v pořádku. Vraťte se ke mně, prosím. Chci vědět, co se stalo. (Wanda, my angel. It's alright, you're okay. Come back to me, please. I want to know what happened.)" Her frozen state dissolved into sobbing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done it, I know. I wasn't out of my nightmare, I shouldn't have gotten up-"

"Wanda, dear. It's okay. Whatever you did, is no big deal." He shut the door to the room as people's voices rose and led her over to the bed. "Tell me what happened, angel."

"I-I had woken up, and, and, she was at the door, and her eyes...her eyes were green. And I attacked her. But. I wasn't out of the dream yet, and I know, I should've waited until I was fully awake, but I didn't think-"

"Shh, Wanda, no. It isn't your fault. Edith will be fine."

"You think they'll let me stay? After I've shown that I am nothing but a liability?"

"You aren't a liability. Edith is a liability. Everyone here is a liability, but not you. You are perfect, you have control over your magic. Your only problem is your night terrors, and we can that fixed when you're feeling better, alright?"

"Mr. and Miss Maximoff, will you please come to my office?" Wanda looked at him worriedly as the voice rang in their heads.


"Oh, dear, no. As you can see, I have many liabilities in my life, one more won't do any harm. We'll deal with your dreams, but as of now, I think we should make some accommodations so this doesn't happen again, yes?" Wanda nodded sadly. Pietro's expression turned slightly angry at her distress. The professor frowned but continued nonetheless. "Alright, well. Perhaps, Pietro, you should come into class a bit later than the bell. Just to ensure she is awake and fully able to move around without feeling threatened. She will be sticking around you most of breaks, meals and after hours, and you should be with her when she goes to sleep as well."

"Of course. She will be staying in the dorm for most of the day."

"Of course." He looked back at Wanda. "Miss Maximoff, you did no wrong. You can not control your dreams, and it is certainly not your fault you weren't completely awake yet. It's nearly dinner time, you should eat something."


"Did you see her? She had red mist all over her!"

"Forget the mist, did you see what she did to Davis?"

"I thought Rogue was dangerous..."

"How do we know she isn't, like, completely evil?"

"She was sent to assassinate us!"

"Don't be ridiculous, she would have killed us all by now. You saw what she did to one girl, she would make short work of us."

Pietro scowled. How dare they speak of his sister this way? She shrunk into his side as they walked past Edith's table.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Rogue asked, concerned.

"I just have to go to the washroom," Wanda smiled and walked away before Pietro could stop her.

"She didn't do it on purpose, you know that, right?" Pietro said, staring down at his hands.

"That's what's got everyone so wound up," Jubilee said softly. "She could go off at any time."

"No, she can't. The only time she ever loses control is during a panic attack or a nightmare. That's it. Listen to what they're saying! As if anyone here couldn't go off." He sat back angrily. "She needs to feel safe, and clearly that won't happen here."

"She's still ill," Kurt pointed out. "You can't send her anywhere else"

"I know," Pietro sighed and offered his arm to his sister, who had come walking back. "I know,"


Hey guys! So, clearly, I am alive. For how much debatable. I really don't wanna talk, don't wanna think, nothing. I'm so grateful for all the people that cared, but no one can help really help me.I'm trying to keep writing, it distracts me, and I really do enjoy it. Let me know what I should write, I really need prompts for Oneshots, and...other plots. Just to keep my thoughts at bay. (This chapter hasn't been edited, so if you see any mistakes, just point them out and I'll fix it.)

Let me know what you think...

Talk later,


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2020 ⏰

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