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Wanda sat on the fountain in the courtyard, waiting for Pietro to get out of his class. She enjoyed being outside, she never could in her neighborhood. Pietro didn't want her to stay out too long, in case she caught a cold that would make her worse. 

"Who's the new girl?" She sighed and turned around, cringing at the girl in front of her.

"Who are you?" Wanda asked.

"That's none of your business-"

"Edith." The girl stiffened and turned to see Pietro standing behind her, arms crossed over his chest.

"Hey..." He walked around her to stand beside his sister.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Just...trying to make new friends"

"Mhm, well. Go make friends with someone else."

"Excuse me?" She took a step forward, making Pietro step in front of Wanda.

"You heard me," He said lowly.

"Listen, Roadrunner-"

"Edith, baby, what are you doing?" Gambit came quickly walking down the path.

"Don't 'baby' me! You expect me to be treated like some-"

"Bitch?" She cocked her head to the side, eyes glowing green as she looked at Pietro.

"Baby, come on. Don't worry about it."


"Just let it go, alright? So you can't talk to one girl-"

"I will" Gambit sighed, looking around helplessly.

"Then I wish you luck,"


"What's wrong with that girl?" Wanda asked later, sitting on the bed.

"One of Gambit's exes."

"Then...why were you so rude to her?"

"Because, angel. She's a very rude girl. She likes to hurt people."


"Because she can."

"How?" Wanda's voice turned quiet and scared.

"She can make people hurt by winking at them. That's how I understand it, at least. Just...stay away from her, alright? I'll be with you for most of that day, but...just be careful. Please?" 

She nodded, looking down in thought.


"Look, man, I'm sorry-"

"Oh, are you responsible for her now?"

Pietro pulled out a chair next to Jubilee for Wanda. 

"No, it's just that she-"

"Leave it, Remy. If she wants to get herself into trouble she can." Pietro said, staring across the room at where she was sitting. "Chceš nějaké ovoce, drahá? (Want some fruit, dear?)"

"Trochu... (A little...)" Wanda admitted.

"I'll be right back." As much as he wanted to stay with Wanda, she hadn't eaten breakfast for days. He couldn't be angry that she was going to eat now.

"So, you met Davis, did you?" Rogue asked, staring down at her bowl of cereal.


"Edith." Jubilee cut in, equally as apathetic.

"Don't worry about her, her bark is much worse than her bite." Kurt shrugged.

"Pietro said she could-"

"Oh, she can. But she won't. She's a coward, she knows what would happen if she did." Rogue said, a subtle threat. Pietro returned with a bowl of fruit for Wanda and more cereal for Rogue, who had just finished. "Thanks, Speedy."

"Why are you all looking so dark?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just Davis." Jubilee told him through clenched teeth. Pietro looked worriedly at his sister.

"Nebojíš se jí, anděle (You're not afraid of her, angel)" He said softly.

"Trochu...(A little...)" She murmured. Pietro sighed and turned to face her completely, forgetting about everything else.

"Poslouchej, Wanda. (Listen, Wanda)" He said, taking her hands in his. "Nebolí ti to. A pokud ano, bude toho litovat. Slibuji. A pokud musíte, víte, že jí můžete ublížit, že? Stejně špatné, ne-li horší. Dobře? (She won't hurt you. And if she does, she will regret it. I promise. And if you have to, you know you can hurt her too, right? Just as bad, if not worse. Okay?)" She nodded.

"Class starts in a few minutes. Just sayin'" Gambit said, standing up.


"I'll just go up to your room," Wanda said with a smile.


"Please, I know I said she wouldn't cause a disturbance, but she's terrified," Pietro said, pacing the office. "She had three panic attacks last night. And that was before she found out about Davis."

"I know you're concerned," Charles said gently. "But Miss Davis would never do such a thing to someone as innocent as your sister."

"Her eyes flared, professor, please. You have to do something." He sighed.

"I can talk to Edith after class. Will that make you feel better?"

"Yes, please." Pietro breathed.

"Alright, well. You're late for history, I believe. Go on, I'll take care of it."


Hey guys. Sorry, I haven't updated in a while. As most of you know, I am not in the best place right now. And on top of that, I've got exams this week.😪

I'm so thankful for all the support, and for everyone writing stories to make me feel better. You've all done a wonderful job of cheering me up, and I can't thank you enough.

Let me know what you think!

Talk later (Probably),


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