New Fears

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Wanda was sat on the bed, watching Pietro do his homework at the desk. She watched with interest, at how quickly he solved each equation.

"Can I try one?" She asked timidly. Pietro immediately got out of the chair and motioned for Wanda to sit. She took the pencil from him, biting her lip as she read the problem. Pietro stood over her, a gentle hand on her shoulder. He smiled as she filled the space with neat numbers. She went through the steps slowly, quite uncertain. It had been a long time since she even looked at a math problem.

She looked up at him hopefully, making him smile again. He checked the answer sheet, nodding proudly. "You got it." She smiled, moving out of his seat. He sat down but pulled her onto his lap. "You know, I can get Storm to print out some extra questions, simpler perhaps, for you. You can do them up here, away from everyone, and you wouldn't have to hand them in. Just for practice."

"She doesn't need to-"

"Nonsense," He stated, kissing the side of her head. "Hungry?"


"What's wrong?" Rogue, Jubilee, and Kurt looked like they were plotting murder. Gambit was staring down at his plate.

"Oh, nothin'. Just that a certain someone thought it would be a good idea to make a threat." Rogue said. Pietro immediately stood up, but Jubilee pulled him back down.

"Leave it," She said warningly.

"What did she say?"

"The professor told her to stay away from you two, and she said we should all watch our backs." Pietro's fists clenched.

"Look, she's just playin' around," Gambit said, uncertainly.

"Remy, her eyes flared. She's not kidding." Pietro said.

"But what the hell did Wanda do that makes her that angry?" Rogue asked.

"Nothing! All she did was ask who she was!" Jubilee exclaimed.

"Are we sure?" Kurt murmured.

"Yes," Pietro stated, slamming his fist on the table.

Hey witch

Wanda jumped. It had been so long since she talked to someone through telepathy. It wasn't her who was it?

"Wanda?" She looked at her brother uncertainly. "What's wrong?"

You best hope your brother doesn't leave you, or you'll find yourself in hell

"There's someone in my head..." She whispered.

"Jean? Or the professor can too," Jubilee suggested.

"No, no..." Wanda shook her head, staring across the room. "It's her" Pietro made an angry noise.

"What did she say?"

"When you're not around...she would put me through hell," Wanda said quietly.

"Jubilee? Watch her," He said before flashing across the room.

"Davis," He growled.

"Hey, Roadrunner. How's your sister?"

"You listen very carefully," He said, bending over her. "Do anything to my sister, talk to her, if you even look in her direction, I will break every bone in your body." Her eyes turned fearful for only a moment before she smirked.

"Yes sir," She mocked. Pietro snarled before running back to his sister.

"Come, angel. I'll bring you something upstairs." He took her hand and led her from the dining room.


"Don't be afraid, angel. She can't get in here. And I don't have to go to class tomorrow, I can stay with you"

"Pietro, my is not right. It is not as strong as it was before. I can't block her out."

"That's only because you're ill. It's not your fault. You'll get better."

"But if she tries to-"

"She won't." She sighed.

"But how do you know?"

"Because I won't let her" She sighed. "You're tired, rest. I won't leave you."

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