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Disclaimer: Here's the list of characters I added for this story~ Melanie Rosen, Lenora Lane, Rebecca Chamberson, Richard Chamberson, Theodin Rosen, Livia Rosen, Jordan Scott, Tinker (house elf), and Morgan Brody (he won't appear until year 4, but since he was mentioned in the prologued I thought I'd include him)

Everyone else belongs to J.K.R.


I was led down the hall of St. Mungo’s Hospital. The male healer led the way, while the female healer gripped my right arm as we followed behind. This hospital had everything now to help injured ones, whether body or mind. The first floor was for creature-induced injuries, the second for magical bugs and diseases, the third for potions and plant poisonings, and the forth consisted of those who suffered spell damage. Recently however, after the Voldemort’s defeat at Hogwarts, the forth floor was extended. Just beyond the section for permanent residents another compartment was created for people like me. I am not exactly sure what is wrong with me to be honest. My uncle said this place would help. There would be people that could talk to me, assist me in pushing through the pain and brokenness these past few years have brought me.

“This way, Miss Rosen,” the man said as we passed through the curtains of the newly built hall.

The air had a fresh scent. The walls were decorated with lilies and tulips. I imagine the atmosphere was purposely designed to bring out peaceful feelings in the patient. I still felt the turmoil eating within me from the core. I thought of Morgan Brody and Lenora Lane, two people that played a great role in my life during my years at Hogwarts. Oh how I have loved and despised them both at equal strength. Now, I am not sure what I felt. Part of me wants to blame them both for the way I am now, but I know I cannot. I have only myself to blame.

My room was at the end of the hall. When I entered, I saw it was much darker than the outside hallway. There was only one miniscule window towards the ceiling several meters above my head. The double bed was pushed against the corner for floor space.

“Not to worry, Miss Rosen,” the female healer said as she helped slide my bag off my shoulder and set it down. “We’ll get this place brightened up in no time.”

I managed to force a smile and nod.

Both healers left. I heard the door lock behind. The female insisted soon it would no longer be necessary to keep my door locked. It really was not needed now. Why would I leave? I have no where to go. I do not know if my friends would be able to get past all I have done and I felt too ashamed to face my uncle.

I rummaged through my bag and pulled out a picture of my Aunt Becky, the very person who introduced me to the world of magic. What would she say to me now?

Most would at least say I have gone mad and belong here. Some would even go as far to declare Azkaban would have been more suited. But, let me tell you my side of the story. Maybe you will understand me or perhaps choose to side with Morgan or Lenora instead. But before you decide you must know the whole story, beginning with my first year at Hogwarts.

Melanie Rosen Chamberson: Year 1 (A Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now