The Moon

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"The moon was but a chin of gold
A night or two ago,
And now she turns her perfect face
Upon the world below."

I finally reached the younger Holmes' house and straighten my suit as I knocked on the door, anxiously waiting for any kind of response, but I got nothing so I knocked again, harder, and this time I heard something making a weird sound inside of the house, maybe Sherlock adopted a puppy? Nah, probably not, so I knocked again, slightly putting my face closer to the door, trying to hear any other puppy sound, but all that I heard was someone shouting something, probably bad words, and walking towards the door.

I heard the door opening slowly and I turned my attention to it and the person behind it

"Long time no see, right honey?" I said with a smirk forming on my lips, Sherlock was looking at me, surprised by my visit, he probably didn't even bother in reading the message that I texted him earlier

"What. The. Fuck?"

"What? What's the problem? Can't a man do a visit to his old friend?"

"No, if the man is you, no, just.... no"

"Oh c'mon Sherlock, don't pretend you didn't want me to come here," I made a fake offended expression, putting my right hand on my chest while he rolled his eyes "and perhaps I can even help you because I noticed that you started with the drugs things again, and it's just a terrible habit Sherl"

I pushed him and walked inside the house, already going to the living room and sitting on his chair, making myself comfortable.

"How did how?

Sherlock closed the door of living room and sat on John's chair, a little bit annoyed by the fact that I was on his chair, his frustrated sigh made  me smile

"How what darling?"

"How are you..."

I made a suggestive look, wanting him to finish his sentence, but he didn't

"alive? Oh that an easy question and I already answered it before, remember? When we were texting?"

"Yes, but how did you do it? It just, looked so real..."

"Yeah, but it was not. Guess you just forgot to take a second look at me. And oh my god you were so scared, and oh oh! The moment you jumped, wow, it really was amazing, congratulations I almost believed it for a second!"

"You pretended to be dead for three years"

"Yeah and you pretended for two, what's the big deal?"

"You just sat and watched me destroy your web all this time?"

"Yeah, kind of frustrating but I managed to enjoy and relax in every minute of this three years" I was trying to keep calm but I was really anxious that moment. Was Sherlock preoccupied about me or was he just trying to understand? Shut up Moriarty he's obviously just trying to understand. But what if he was preoccupied? Nop, keep cool because he doesn't give a shit about you. Well fuck you.

I just got out of my own thoughts when Sherlock himself got up and walked towards me, I was still on his chair and started to feel too short, so I got up and felt even more short, I mean like Jeez, he got taller or I got smaller? Anyways, he was looking into my eyes, really looking, probably trying to deduce me and failing but when I started to feel my cheeks burning he gave me a confused look and I just took my gaze out of him, walking to the kitchen and trying to regain control of the situation,

"So, you're not going to offer me anything?"

"Why should I?"

"Oh well sweetheart, you really are a terrible host aren't you?"

"Oof, alright, do you want anything?"

"Tea? Please?"

"Fine" he walked right passed me and started making the tea, he looked so cute that I could even- wait stop, you cannot think that, what does that even mean Moriarty?, I don't know, do you? No, but maybe we could try to find out.

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