How to Love

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Selena was back in town from promoting her album and got the news that her album was 900 copies down from Roddy Ricch's. There was only less than 24 hours before the weeks battle for the #1 spot. When she realized how many copies need to be purchased and how much her album needs to be streamed for her to pass Roddy Ricch's album, it made her extremely anxious. Her team contacted her and asked for her to go on Twitter or Instagram to ask her fans to buy as many copies and to stream the album. " I cannot do that I will not be like Justin. Numbers don't matter to me, yes I would love to get this album to #1 but I don't want to beg." Her team didn't care they needed a number one from her and she had no choice but to take it to Instagram as much as she hated it. She posted on her Instagram story calling Roddy Ricch a great artist and told her fans how much this album meant to her and how numbers never matters to her. But since it's a very personal album she would love to get it to #1 and asked fans to buy the album and stream it. She didn't feel right by asking but it would make her and her label look bad if she doesn't get it. She knew she was gonna receive hate from people all over the world who doesn't like her, who doesn't fuck with her, but when doesn't she receive hate? She even went and bought 4 copies and prayed that her fans could do her justice by streaming and buying extra copies. The closer it got to midnight, the anxious she got.

Raquelle opened the door "thank God you're here" she told him. Scott walked in asking how Selena was. "Not good—she's so depressed right now. She won't stop crying. She wants this #1 so badly but feels very authentic for asking her fans to buy and stream her album to get Rare to #1. "I don't know if you noticed but she's very sensitive, she needs you right now Scott." He nodded and was about to turn to walk away but Raquelle hugged him and thanked him for coming. He was a bit surprised but hugged her back. After hugging him she left and Scott made his way to Selena's room. "Baby, it's Scott" Scott stood in the door way of her dark bedroom seeing her head was down against her crossed arms, tears were streaming damping her black hoodie. She was emotional. Rare was far behind and it was only an hour left. He walked over and got in bed. He scooted close to her and wrapped his arms around her kissing the top of her head as she pressed her head against his chest. "You have the potential, you're gonna be shocked when you see that it'll be #1" he told her. "How could you be so sure? What makes you think I'm gonna get that #1? Everyone is streaming and buying Roddy's album, they're blocking me and I sound so fucking ridiculous going on Instagram doing what Justin did. I don't want to be like him, I fucking hate him.." she looked up at him. He placed his hands on the sides of her face seeing her stare at him with sad eyes. "Don't compare yourself to an emotionally abuser. Someone who broke you in ways that it'll take a lifetime for you to heal. There's nothing wrong with asking your fans to buy your album and to stream it. Everybody promotes their album, everybody buys copies of their album. Not like you're going around calling people and threatening your fans like he did. You are not the same, love. And how am I sure? Ask the man above, he has something beautiful planned in store for you." She wiped her tears "I wish I was as confident as you" she told him before getting out of bed. "You're confident just a little too hard on yourself." He watched her grab a hoodie from her closet and handed it to him. "What's this?" It's a hoodie she got airbrushed with his name on it from her NY trip where she had a meet & greet with fans. "I love it" he told her as he looked over the hoodie. "I thought— why not get him one made." Scott got out of bed taking his jacket off and throwing on the hoodie she had made for him. "It fits perfectly" he told her before kissing her. Even kissing her didn't stop the tears from falling. He held her hands and sighed before speaking. "I find it very hard right now to say the right thing to make you stop crying. I know you're in pain right now, your heart hurts. You have so many emotions running through you. You're stressing yourself out, love. It hurts me because I know you want this so badly and I witnessed you working your ass off in the studio to create such a phenomenal album. Don't beat yourself up. You have to believe in yourself Selena. You can't put all the pressure on your fans though, you and you're team has to do whatever it takes to get your album out there. From performances, to interviews, to releasing single after single. You have to be on that shit the moment you announce you're about to drop an album and once it's dropped you have to bust your ass off with promotion." He felt her hands slip away from his, she was about to turn to walk away but he stopped her. "I love you, and when you love someone you want them to be the best person they can be. You have to want more for them. I want more for you because I know the type of shit you've been through because we've been down the same route. I'm not with you because of some bullshit ass promotion or to break your heart or because of your name. I don't need any type of clout, trust me. I'm with you because there's something about you that makes me so—you move me in a way that I never felt before. All I want to do is show you the right way to be love so if I'm giving you advice don't take it as me downing you. I want the best for you Selena." He wiped her tears before caressing her cheek. "I fell in love with the way you touch me emotionally. It's hard.. it's hard but I swear I'm trying. It's hard to love someone after being in a emotionally abusive relationship for 8 years. I'm ready though. I'm ready for you to show me how to love, how to be loved." Scott showed off his handsome smile before kissing his girlfriend softly.

To Be Continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2020 ⏰

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