Josh's Break

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Hey guys, admin #1 Josh here. Today I'm gonna talk to you about a small break I'm taking. So tomorrow Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire comes out and I'm getting both to play through. As I play through these I'll be learning all the new megas and secrets to Pokémon. I am gonna take a break from writing and I will be playing these. When I do return, be expecting a lot of new features in the book, including some possible new characters. If you would like to watch me play through Alpha Sapphire, head over to my YouTube-xXdeltapredatorXx (wolf for the logo) and I will upload the first part tomorrow around 5:30 Chicago time. Thank you all SO much for the support on the book and I hope you all enjoy ORAS and Quinn's parts to the story. Cya all later!

Pokézombs (Gotta Cure em All!) Issue 1Where stories live. Discover now