"Give it Up for Passion, Cash, & Brooklyn" I heard the DJ yell as I gulped down my double shot of Hennessy, I knew I had to ease my nerves right before my set as if I haven't done this 1,000 times. As I was lacing up my boots waiting for the DJ to call my name the house mom approached me about paying my tip out fee, "Mama Re, as soon as I leave my set I got you, you know I'm good for it" with a warm smile she replied "I know Whitley" she's the only person at the club that called me by my real name instead of my stage name which is Rain. As soon as my set was over and I counted my tips, I got dressed to leave since I had class early the next day I couldn't stay all night like I normally do. I almost over slept for class until Cash called me to tell me about last night and how TJay and his crew came through and tipped alot of money. I hate when I miss a good night but if I know TJay and his crew they always come back to back nights! TJay just teamed up with the hottest label in Atl and I've danced for him several times. As soon as I got to class Professor Garri eyes shifted to me, he has a thing for me but hell he has a thing for every young black girl but I don't do white men, not that there's anything wrong it's just not my preference. Just as class ended we all had to fill out a form so that we could collect extra credit to pass his class of course with the late nights in the club I could use extra help. As everyone left and I stayed behind to go over my paper I recently submitted, "Whitley, you are a very bright young woman and I want you to reach your full potential if there's anything you need let me know, I noticed a slight drop in your grades" "Thank you Professor, I'm fine it's just working a night job has me a bit distracted" In my mind I'm like fuck he's going to ask me where I work and I don't want to have to explain but I'll just say a bartender. As I suspected he asked about my job but by the look on his face he knew I was lying. He told me that I was strong and brave, he offered to help me out as much as he could and assign me work for extra credit of course I agreed. Soon as I got in the car and checked my phone I had a message from Kevin, asking if I was coming over tonight, I knew as soon as I text back telling him "No" it would start an argument so I just ignored him, between school, work, and him I barely have time for myself, I had to get some rest and get ready work. "Tonight the ballers were out" Cash squealed while holding up her trash bag full of ones, we left work and went to a late night bar and grill, guys had been buying us drinks all night we had to uber to my house. Cash and I met when I first started dancing, she taught me the ins and outs, I showered and pulled out a bottle of Tequila, we took a few sips and started a twerk session. I bent over in front of her and she grabbed me, we fell and she rolled over on top of me and started kissing me, I had to be drunk out my mind because I never kissed a girl and at that moment I didn't mind. She slowly traced her tongue down my neck, to my nipples, and slowly down my stomach, by now my pussy was thumping, I started thinking about Kevin once I felt her slide my shorts off and lick my inner thigh those thoughts changed, she slowly kissed my pussy and gently sucked my clit. She came up kissed me in the mouth so I could taste my own juices, sucked my nipples and went back to please me, she stuck her finger inside and licked my clit at the same time til I squirted and came all over her face. I jumped up and said "Bitch we trippin, I am strictly dickly" she said " I couldn't tell the way you were moaning." I got in bed and facetimed Kevin to my surprise he was up, I heard a cough but it wasn't him all of sudden the call ended so of course my woman intuition went into full alert, so I throw on clothes and told Cash I heard a bitch coughing in the background so we head over to his place by this time I was sober. I knocked and called him several times but no answer I dropped Cash back off at my house but I couldn't sleep so I went back this time I parked and just sat there until I saw a tall, slim, blue eyed blonde hair girl. Not only is this nigga cheating, he cheating with a white bitch, this bitch look old enough to be my auntie, I just blocked him and drove off. Days went by with Kevin trying to explain himself even though some of him cheating had to do with me not being available I couldn't give in, I been with Kevin since I was 15, we were staying together til he found out I started dancing so we broke up for a few months until he came back around and understood that it was only temporary. I decided to get dress and visit my cousin Jade at work, she worked at the country club. I threw on a nice fitted dress that went past my knees, some cute clear heels, my small Jacquemus bag and brushed my hair back and added a few pins to give it this slight elegant look. I was sitting in the lounge area talking to Jade, I felt a tap on my shoulder it was Professor Garri, we chatted a bit about school and he offered me a drink, we had a few drinks. I excused myself to use the restroom, came back had a few more drinks. Jade had to get back to work on the other side, there was a huge wedding party. I started feeling a bit light headed, the only thing I remember was waking up in a hotel room, I could barely move, I looked over next to me, I didn't see anyone, I heard the water in the shower cut off and the door flew open, it was Professor Garri. My memory started to slowly come back, I remember me saying my house isn't that way. I started to panic and became frantic yet he didn't t say a word, as I was putting on my clothes I heard him say well someone has a passing a grade, before I knew it I replied "You took advantage of me, I told you no" he laughed and said "Yea try to pull that card if you want, who will believe a stripper, this is what you do anyways" I felt my eyes burning and my tears escape from under my eyelids, how could he do this? Is that what men think of me? I've been with the same guy for 8 years so why am I labeled a whore. I didn't attend his class to avoid even being in the same room as this monster. I finally called a therapist and I was seeing her twice a week, one day I finally opened up to her about the rape but I didn't give many details it was still hard to even talk about it, Ms. Cox, my therapist really helped me deal with my relationship being over and me being violated in the worse way. I finally had a real appetite so I decided to go to the Fresh Market to grab a few items to cook, I ran into Ms. Cox, we chatted for a bit I was looking down at my phone to show her this recipe I found when I heard her say this is my Fiancé Robert, I looked up and turned pale, there he was Mr. Garri, my professor, the man that drugged me to fuck me!
Whitley aka Rain
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