I just laid Sunny down, that was her little nickname, I let the detectives in and that's when everything begin to unfold, "Hello, Whitley, I'm Detective Nelson and this Detective Williams, Carol Garri is your mother, correct?" I nodded yes. They informed me that she has been arrested and that they found evidence of an attempted kidnapping of me, I was confused, apparently my mother came into town about 2 years ago, she saw me on campus one day while visiting Garri and that's when it began, he was to get me pregnant and they were going to steal the baby from me, she thought it was only chance at having me as a child again. The plan went into effect sooner than planned when I bumped into Garri at the country club. My own mother, my flesh and blood had her husband to rape me, planned on stealing my child, and God knows what to me. In addition they told me that once Garri was killed by a women my mother had been waiting on the opportunity to take my baby but luckily during a traffic stop for speeding, they searched her and found illegal drugs on her which in return they found forged documents and a usb drive. I was stunned, sick to my stomach, I was shook!! Was this life really worth living? They asked if I would testify in court, of course I wanted that sick motherfucker to never see the light of day again so I agreed. As weeks passed by and Sunny was getting bigger, I started doing makeup as a hustle and honestly it started paying off, I would be book Thursday-Sunday, I started noticing that Sunny was getting darker and starting to look like someone other than a newborn, she didn't look like her dad was white and mother half white, she looked like my chocolate little cupcake, at that moment I saw a ray of sunshine peek through the clouds, this wasn't Garri, the sick fuck that took advantage of me child!!..... I called Kevin, we setup an appointment and sure enough 99.9% this was Kevin's child. Crazy how life works, he witnessed his child being born and even though under crazy circumstances he was still there. Of course it's no fairytale, Kevin was already seeing someone, which I approved of, she was a pretty girl, reminded me of me!! She understood the circumstances, and although I did not get my family back, I received a blended family and I was ok with that. My mom received 40 years, I started back dancing for about 6months and quit because I went back to school, yes me and TJay ran into each othet during my internship at the radio station and we rekindled. I know your probably thinking what about Jade, well that wasn't TJay's baby, it was some other rich nigga. It's been 2 years and well I'm about to be a married woman, yes TJay proposed. Life isn't what we imagine, it's not the picture that was painted for us. It's no rules, it's no right or wrong way, what works for you is what matters. They don't have to understand your world, we all have different definitions of right and wrong, we all have different definitions of happiness. What truly matter is living for something! 😘
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