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"I feel like we've done this a million times. . ." Jimin laughed out. His lips tight and teeth on full display as he ran a hand through his hair. Continuing to watch the girl who was just steps away from him, get dressed back into her clothing. Because it was all the same. The same build up of tension, alongside dirty talk. Leading to the two tangled up in Jimin's bed. Seeing as though the man couldn't help but crave to get a taste of her. And Ming gave in. Gave in just like Jimin wanted her too.

Yet the girl couldn't help but hear them. Hear the continuous buzzes coming from her phone that she kept hidden within her clutch. Not daring to let the item be seen. Because the girl was afraid. Afraid to see what the truth would do to those around her. Would do to Jimin. Would do to Miso.

And with a smile, the girl finished up slipping on her heels. All while walking over to the man where he stayed in bed. His back against the headboard and black hair messy as the softness of her fingertips just barely moved a few strands.

"I had fun tonight. . . thank you." He didn't know why she was being so nice. Didn't know when the change of her attitude towards him all of a sudden changed. All he knew was that he was going to enjoy it. Enjoy her kindness. Enjoy her teasing.

And Ming watched as he got to his feet. His body tense yet aura enough to make most people so captivated by his presence as the tightness of his jaw went slack. Having let her feel the way his hand slid itself against her waist. And the way he ran his gaze amongst her face before resting right on the chocolates of her eyes.

"Thank you." His voice was always so dense. Packed with enough seduction to make her lips become parted as he nudged his nose into her own. Loving the way the gesture had her breath instantly hitching. Even if he didn't know. Didn't know it was something Yoongi loved doing to her. Whether it be nudging his nose against her neck. Or against her check. Wanting to make sure she knew he was there. And that he'd always try to be.

However, Ming didn't speak. Letting her eyes do the talking as she ran the delicacy of her fingertips along his hair one more time. Needing to somehow find a way to stop herself from feeling. Feeling the intensity of the tension. Feeling the intensity of her emotions.

So he watched as she left. Sparing the man one last kiss against the cheek before gathering her things. Heading straight for her apartment, even if it felt as though Jimin's gaze was still boring through her own. Unable to get the image of him out of her head.

And as she stepped inside of her place, she could've sworn her heart had never dropped so fast. Because it wasn't just her furniture staring back at her. Or the random pictures lying around. But was instead the man who sat there on her couch with his leg bouncing as he does so. Having been waiting on her for hours.


"Where have you been? Huh—"


"I said where the fuck have you been?!"  He already had her pressed up against the front door. Uncaring of just how aggressive he was being as the heaviness of his fist made contact with the wall beside her head. Because the man didn't think. Didn't think about his actions. Didn't think until everything around him had already fallen apart right before his eyes.


"I've texted you all fucking night—"

"I was busy—"

Erotica- Yoongi [18+]Where stories live. Discover now