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"Are you fucking crazy—"

"H-how do you know where I live—"

"Don't tell me you're that fucking stupid?!" Jimin pushed the girl inside her home. Driving the most irritated fist against the wall beside her head as the heaviness of his breaths brushed against her neck. Causing the girl to flinch almost instantly. Because it was Miso. And she knew. Knew that what she had said and done was bound to blow up.

"I almost got fucking killed because of you—"


"And for what? Huh?! That man will never. . . fucking. . . want you." God did the words sting. Escaping his lips as if they were only meant for him to say, all while the heaviness of his gaze practically demolished the girl who's own lips began to tremble. Pairing with the shakiness of her fingers that immediately moved up to her face. Wiping away the tears she hadn't even gotten the chance to register were falling as he listened to the way she whispered his name. Looking up at him as if the world around her was completely crumbling.

"What I told him was the truth, Jimin—"


"Then what is this? Hmm?" He never thought ones voice could sound so broken. Feeling the way she gently pushed him away before walking into her bathroom where the single pregnancy test she took stayed. Causing his gaze to go limp. . . the minute he read the single word pregnant across the thing itself.

"What more do you need to see—"

"Who's is it?" He was quick to cut her off. The impatience in his being enough to make his sanity soon to crack as Miso's lips fell agape. All while Jimin tilted his head. Staring at the girl as if he had just seen a ghost.

"Why the fuck are you just standing there—"

"I don't know." And just like that, her tears were falling all over again. Falling like they were the only things able to speak for her. "I don't know who it belongs to."

And he watched as she kept her gaze held on the floor. Hearing the immediate heaving of his breath as he threw his fist into yet another wall. Wishing that somehow everything could be taken back. Taken back and never tampered with again.

"Every time we used protection—"


"And?!" His hand was already around her throat. Making her head collide with the single glass window of her apartment, in which the girl couldn't help but wince underneath his touch. Wanting to kill him for handling her in such a way.

"Do you think this shits a fucking joke?" In a laugh, Jimin tossed his head back. Running his opposite hand through the thickness of his black locks that one could only imagine getting the chance to tug on as he cocked his brow in an arrogant manner. Looking just as intimidating as he always did.

"You think a single pregnancy test is going to make me believe you?" He pulled his hand down from her neck. Letting his finger trace along her cheek before sliding underneath her jaw. Taking hold of it just roughly enough to have her trying to get away from him. But he didn't falter. He never did.

"You know I never slipped up with you. . . and neither did Yoongi." Jimin tsk'd out. Ashamed to see such ignorance right before his eyes that used to hold so much life within them. But they were empty. So, so empty.

Erotica- Yoongi [18+]Where stories live. Discover now