1| Same Beginnings

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A splash of cold water hit Cattleya's face jolting her awake. "Get up." a voice said. "Get up or else I cut his throat!" Who's throat? She blinked her eyes a couple of times and saw a burned Tristan holding a knife to Finn's neck.

"Alright, I'm getting up." Cattleya said rising to her feet. Tristian forced Finn to his feet and another Skikru boy. He tied their ropes to his horse before riding ahead.

They walked for miles. Cattleya knew where Tristian was taking them; he would deliver two Skikru boys and a traitor to the Commander and hope he would be in her good graces again. "She'd still banish you, you know." Cattleya taunted. "Or even kill you for failing her."

"Cattleya, stop." Finn hissed.

"For allowing three hundred of her people to burn. You and I will both be dead." Tristian hopped off his horse and punched Cattleya across the face. She fell to the ground and Tristian gave her a kick to the stomach.

"I am nothing like you. I fought for my people, you killed them."

"Don't get mad because I'm telling the truth." He gave another kick to her stomach.

"Stop, please!" Finn begged as he crouched down to help Cattleya. "What are you trying to get out this?" What was she trying to get out this? She didn't know.

Finn helped Cattleya to her feet and they all continued to walk for several more miles. Until, the other Skikru boy collapsed on the ground. "I can't, I can't go anymore." The boy said.

"On your feet." Tristian commanded. The boy stayed on the ground. Cattleya and Finn tried to help the boy up before Tristian could come.

"He can't keep up." Finn said. Tristian got off his horse and pulled the Sky boy near him. "No!"

"Wait, Tristan!" Cattleya said but he had already slit the boy's throat.

"That's one. I lost three hundred." He neared Finn, and instinctively, Cattleya stood in front of him. Tristian aggressively handed her his water.

"You're lucky. I need to keep you and the boy alive to talk to the Commander." Cattleya handed the water to Finn and then she handed it back to Tristian. "Drink." He told her but she stayed motionless. "Drink. Drink!" He tried to force her mouth open as he poured water on her face.

Cattleya bit his finger making Tristian punch her across the face again. "Why do you keep getting him mad?" Finn asked as he crouched down, again, to help her. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Maybe, she was.

 "Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Maybe, she was

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Bellamy had been trying to build up Monroe and Sterling's confidence so they could free Cattleya and Finn from Tristian. It was taking a lot longer than he thought. Bellamy watched as Tristian punched Cattleya across the face. His face becoming heated in response. "Ready? One, two, three." Bellamy ran out. "Hey!" But no one was behind him.

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