5| The Choosen One

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To be honest, this wouldn't be Bellamy's first time teaching someone to read. I mean, he taught Octavia and she turned out pretty well, but Bellamy wasn't completely sure why his palms were so sweaty right now. Or why, his heart raced in his chest. Or why, it felt like his whole body was shaking.

But Bellamy did recognize this feeling, he felt it before. When he had his first crush on girl in the Ark. When he first held hands with a girl or talked to a girl. When had his first kiss, his first make out, shit, when he first had sex. He didn't want to fuck it up. Bellamy wanted to impress Cattleya. Show her he could teach her as he claimed he could.

They both sat at the table with a paper and charcoal pencil laid out in front of them. "Are you okay?" Cattleya asked; Bellamy nodded his head. "You look nervous."

"I haven't taught someone to read in a long time."

"It's okay, I don't know any better." She joked making Bellamy laugh. His eyes fell to her lips. They've kissed before, now more than ever, but never in front of other people. Would he kiss her in front of other people? Bellamy shook his head; he needed to focus.

"We should start with the alphabet." Cattleya listened intently as Bellamy went over the sounds and pronunciation of the letter then moved to simple words. She was a quick learner, and by nightfall, Cattleya was beginning to understand and recognize the foundation words.

Clarke walked up to the two with a paper in her hand. "What you guys doing?"

"Bellamy's teaching me to read." Clarke raised an eyebrow as she sat across from them. "We speak English but we don't read or write it."

"No, that I understand. What I don't understand is where Bellamy got the patience to teach you." She said making Cattleya laugh and Bellamy roll his eyes.

"Why'd you come over, Clarke?" Bellamy asked.

"We need to talk about Mount Weather. I think I know how to get us in."


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Clarke had drawn a map of  interior and exterior of Mount Weather. "Wait, I'm still confused." Cattleya said.

"It's a Labyrinth, we got to the dam through this tunnel. It's all connected to the mine system, that's our way in."

"Are you sure we can get past the Reapers and the Mountain Men? I swear to God if your mom doesn't sanction the mission soon I'm going by myself." Bellamy said.

"You won't be by yourself." Clarke added before watching Finn come out of the Ark.

"Guess the inquisitions over. How's Finn doing anyway?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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