2| Talk To Me

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Night finally came and Bellamy, Cattleya and Murphy were still locked up together. She'd spent nearly the entire afternoon hearing Raven screams, which made Bellamy and Murphy go into a whole other argument.

Cattleya eventually had to tune everything out so she could finally rest, but even then, she couldn't escape the screams:

She was twelve, her family and her village were only farmers. Their parents used to be Trikru warriors before they gave it up and wanted to start a family. Their parents tried to keep their children as innocent as possible for as long as possible, but of course, they still trained them. In fact, they trained all the children in the village. They didn't want them to be defenseless. Not in the world they lived in.

But, that all changed when Azgeda attacked their village. Their village was the closest to Azgeda ground and word had gotten around that a Natblida child was hidden in the village. The Azegda clan wanted their own Natblida to be on the throne next but no one had produced any. However, Cattleya had never seen or met one around the village, but that didn't matter to them. Azgeda spilled every red blood in the village.

Not many of the farmers were warriors, but they all fought the best they could with Cattleya's parents in the front. Anya and Cattleya were ordered to stand guard in the village, along with the other children, in case any got through. Anya, Cattleya, Reno, and Lincoln were the only ones to survive out of the older children.

Cattleya heard screams coming from the homes as some Azegda warriors rampaged through the houses. One was in theirs and the screams grew louder. Cattleya ran and found him hovering over Lexa and Adan. They were crouched in the corner with tears in their eyes. Cattleya took her sword and stabbed it through the skull of the warrior.

The warrior fell to the side, and it was only then, could she see the blood seeping out from Lexa's hand. She was the Nightblood child her parents were protecting. Cattleya quickly cleaned and bandaged up the wound. "You don't take this off no matter what, do you understand?" Lexa nodded her head and hugged Cattleya tightly.

Cattleya quickly hid them in a back closet until the invasion was over. Azegda had slaughter most of their people. Cattleya had killed 8 people that day. That was the first day she had killed anyone and the first day she'd ever seen a dead body. But, none scared her most than the sight of her own mother gasping for air in her father's arms. A pierced chest.

Then, Cattleya looked down at her own chest. Blood seeping out from every part of her body, a thousand cuts. And finally, a nine-year-old Lexa piercing the sword through her chest.

 And finally, a nine-year-old Lexa piercing the sword through her chest

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Bellamy gently shook Cattleya's shoulders to wake her up. She woke with a violent jolt and started to swing her tied hands at him. "Hey, hey, it's Bellamy." It's me." He noticed tears streamed down her face. She was crying in her sleep. "Come on. Finn's breaking us out." He cut her cuffs off.

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