4|Let Me Save You

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The sun was beginning to set when they reached camp again, Cattleya hadn't spoken a word to Finn and she didn't care too. She wasn't going to apologize and neither was he. Either way, she had more important things to do.

Cattleya had talked to Abby about burning Anya's body that evening. There were no surrounding camps for miles that could see the fire so, she had spent most of the night building a small burning post for Anya; Cattleya was going to make sure her sister was sent off properly.

Of course, Cattleya didn't do it entirely alone. She did get help from Bellamy, Octavia, Clarke and even Murphy. Raven stayed to the side with Finn because of her leg, and Cattleya made it very clear she didn't want help from Finn.

Bellamy helped Cattleya place Anya's body at the center as Cattleya held the fire stick. "Your fight is over." And Octavia repeated in respect. Cattleya waited for the top layer of the burn post to catch fire before throwing the fire stick at the bottom.

Clarke walked over to her side and handed her a braid and a necklace. It was Tris'. "Anya gave me this before she died. She wanted me to give to the Commander but I think you should have it." Cattleya took the necklace but left the braid.

"Keep the braid. Anya, gave it to you to get the Commanders trust." They didn't all stay to watch it burn entirely and Cattleya didn't expect them to. She rested her head on Octavia's shoulders as she rested hers on top of Cattleya's head. They heard the sound of boots approaching then the shifting of the dirt under them as they sat next to Cattleya. She didn't need to guess who it was. "They arranged rooms for each of us." Bellamy said as the fire began to die out.

"Are you sure it's not a prison cell?" Cattleya said.

"Come on." Bellamy helped each of them up, made sure the fire was completely out, and went into the Ark. He showed Octavia's first then Cattleya's. Bellamy watched her as she wondered around the room. "What do you think?"

"I've never had my own bedroom before. I've always shared it with someone." Her eyes began to gloss over but she blinked them away. "Where are you staying?" She said clearing her throat.

"Just a room over, next to Octavia's."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" She joked making Bellamy smile.

"They told me they put some clothes in one of the drawers and the showers are up and running, so if you want, you can go get cleaned up. It's on the third hallway to your right and all the way down. They have towels, washcloths and soaps down there-" Cattleya wrapped her arms around his torso; Bellamy completely unprepared slightly stumbled back.

"Sorry." She said letting go. "I just really needed a hug."

"It's okay. I'll see you in the morning." Bellamy closed her door leaving her alone.

The room altogether was rather large, well, large to her standards. The drawers don't have much in them either. Only one had some clothes in it and the others completely empty. Cattleya took off her necklace, Tris' necklace, weapons, and gauzes and placed them in a drawer. She placed her jacket in another but left her shoes off to the side.

The halls of the Ark were relatively empty and dark as Cattleya made her way down to the showers with new clothes in her hands. There we're hardly any people either. She was pleased to know, for a community shower, it was relatively private. Each shower had its own stall and curtain.

Cattleya gathered all the essentials before taking off her clothes and finally cleaning herself. She let her body relax under the water prior to actually cleaning her body and hair. Cattleya could see her bruised and battered body for once.

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