Chapter 6 - Shogun

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3rd Person POV

"Nate, you're alive." Ray says as he opens the door of a hut on Nate and a girl who were definitely about to kiss

"Oh, hey, guys!" Nate says as the group walks in. "You found me."

"Bad timing?" Ray asks

"Nope." Nate groans. "Nope. Masako, these are, uh, my friends I was telling you about."

"Hajimemashite." Masako says. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"Sake, lots of it." Mick says

"What he meant to say is thanks for your hospitality, but we must be going." Amaya says

"No, I didn't." Mick says

"Amaya's right." Sara says. "Nate, let's go."

"I can't." Nate stops them. "We can't leave. Masako's supposed to marry the Shogun Tokugawa lemitsu."

"Yeah, met him. Sara says. "Not a fan."

"Well, the reason he sticks out in the history books is because he likes to murder his wives, and I can't leave Masako to his mercy." Nate says

"Especially since he stole my ATOM suit." Ray says

"Exactly." Nate says. "Wait, what? You let the Shogun steal a 21st century super-suit?"

"After I crash-landed trying to rescue you." Ray tells him

"How does the Shogun even know how to operate your ATOM suit?" Sara asks

"I designed it so an idiot could use it." Ray says

"An idiot does." Mick says

"Guys, bottom line is, if the Shogun has the ATOM suit, it's not just Masako and the village we have to protect." Nate says. "He can use it to conquer the whole region."

"You said the Shogun's coming for your new girlfriend." Sara says

"Uh-huh." Nate syas

"Easier to defend a village - than to attack a castle." Ray says

"But anyone who tries to fight the Shogun will be cut down." Amaya says

"Not if that person is made of steel." Brooklyn says, thinking it through

"Exactly." Sara agrees.

"About that, I'm having a little problem accessing my powers." Nate says

"Sounds like you're having performance issues, and it looks like you two are not done training him yet." Sara says to Ray and Brooklyn. "Now the rest of us need to figure out how we can defend a village."

"Not me." Mick says, closing his eyes. "Wake me up when the action starts."

Amaya rolls her eyes


Brooklyn is sitting, staking a dummy into the ground

"The ATOM suit is made of and powered by dwarf star alloy." Ray explains. "It's strong enough to withstand bullets, arrows, and explosives."

"So it's impenetrable?" Nate asks

"Not quite." Ray says. "Underneath the left thruster is the alpha-stabilizer."

"Alpha-stabilizer, got it." Nate repeats

Brooklyn finishes and continues sitting on the ground, listening to them

"If you destroy it, the photons that stream from suit's weapons systems will overheat, theoretically causing somatic overload." Ray says

"Theoretically, that's that's comforting." Nate says with sarcasm

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