Chapter 28 - Moonshot

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3rd Person POV

"1965 was a bust." Sara says, walking in with Amaya and Nate

Brooklyn, Stein, and Jax join Ray at the console as the rest of the team gathers

"Oh, sorry, buddy." Ray tells Nate

"It's all right, Rip said he dropped my Grandfather off in 1965 New York and told him to assume a new identity." Nate says

"Well, he'd need to find work." Jax says

"Why?" Mick asks, joining the crew

"Henry was a military man. He wouldn't have become an accountant." Amaya tells them. "He would have wanted a job that still offered adventure, and yet was still somehow patriotic."

"FBI? CIA?" Ray suggests

"He was a fighter pilot before he was recruited by the JSA." Amaya says

"In the sixties, the fledgling National Aeronautics and Space Administration used to call upon test pilots to apply to be astronauts." Stein says

"Exactly, what could be more patriotic, more adventurous than exploring space?" Ray says

"Nice, Gideon, pull up anything you can." Sara orders. "Press clippings, newspaper articles, re: NASA circa 1965."

"Certainly, Captain." Gideon says

Pictures flash across the console

"Okay, okay, okay. Come on, come on." Nate says as they all scan history. "Wait, wait, stop, stop. Right there. I'd recognize that Heywood jawline anywhere."

"April 13th, 1970. Mission Control works to save 'Apollo 13." Ray says, reading the newspaper clipping. "Come on, could your grandfather get any cooler?"

"I think I may have found a way to track Commander Heywood." Rip says, walking in

"Don't worry, Mr. Hunter. We've already found him." Stein says

"You did?" Rip asks

"We're headed to Houston, 1970." Jax says

"Elvis at the Astrodome." Mick says

"And then we're going to rescue my grandfather." Nate says

"Then Elvis." Mick says

"We still need to figure out a way of contacting Commander Heywood without arousing suspicion." Rip says. "To that end, I suggest that we--"

"It's simple." Sara says. "We infiltrate NASA."


Brooklyn, Sara, Amaya, and Nate walk with a tour through NASA base

Rip walks up to Brooklyn who trails in the back of the tour group

"Miss Cooper." Rip says

Brooklyn looks to him

"You babysitting me now?" Brooklyn asks him

"Just keeping an eye on you." Rip says

"I don't need you to do that." Brooklyn says

"Yes, you do." Rip says. "To cover up...that." He says, pointing down towards her hand

Brooklyn looks down and realizes her hand is shaking

She clamps her other hand over and

"You know, you're really annoying." Brooklyn whispers to him

"I'm being cautious." Rip says. "Come along, Dr Palmer is already in the press room."

He takes a quick turn down a hallway

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