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"Who I Am"

      There was this thing going on between Theodore and Alicia. She lacked the strength to find out what it was. It was hard to breath around him and every slight touch makes her crave for him. They take time to have break and talk like friends and those stares he shares with her, was filled with the 'Something' she was trying to point out. Nicki pointed out he went berserk when she stopped coming to work. If she was right, he wanted her in some kind of ways. These stares, when they get severe, she excused herself and either chat with Jake or call him on phone. Jake makes fun of her for seducing her boss. All she had been doing was work, smile and laugh with him. Sometimes, he comes at her from behind and they both stay still, holding their breath. It was either she was sexually frustrated or going crazy. His jokes and corniness were similar to Max's.

      She had been starting to think he looks a lot like Max. The resemblance was there and she dared not ask him if he knew of the monster. Alicia got paid directly into her account and she was swelling with joy. The money was huge and she was able to pay her mom's debts little by little. That was all she ever wanted.


      Ryan called for Maxwell to his home and Maxwell sat on the couch, scrolling on his phone. Ryan tried to figure out what Kesha said about Max. "Kesha said something absurd to me." said Ryan. "What has been going on?"

     "Nothing. What did she say?" He pushed in his chair.

     "She said you and Alicia have some bad things going on under your sleeves and you've been threatening her. Is it true?"

    "I didn't know how to say this to you but tell your girlfriend to fucking mind her business. She's the last thing I want to deal with. Tell her to leave Alicia's name out of her mouth."

    Ryan looked at Maxwell for a while. Kesha shouldn't really mess with him. "Can you tell me about it?"

     "There's nothing to tell Ryan. She's just being paranoid. We all have fucking pasts don't we?" He eyed and leaned back in the couch. "I don't want to let anyone in on what's going on with me. Not even you or Alicia and your girlfriend has been ganging up with some fucking person who has been trying to make me do my worse. I know you love her and all that but I won't fucking stop if she pokes me one more time."

     "Sure. Whenever you're ready to tell me what's going on."


     Kesha's phone beeped on the table and she picked it up, putting her bowl of cereal down. Her anonymous friend had sent a text again.

Told you you cannot trust your boyfriend. He's an asslicker and this isn't going to stop. Do something!

     She sighed over the message and picked up her bowl again. "The fucking Ryan won't mind if I die or not." She said.


      Maxwell stayed the night at Ryan's. Alia was still living with him and he was in no mood to talk to her and see her lying face. They woke up in the morning and planned on having breakfast at Rosie's. They stepped out together and Ryan almost dropped his phone. Maxwell just knew it was Kesha who could do this. Ryan's car was wrecked. Glasses shattered and written words in red, 'Asslicker' was on the car. Maxwell's car had written words on it too, 'Murderer'

     "You know," he spoke. "I just got a new car after Ali wrecked my car days ago."

    "Let's take a cab." Ryan said to him.

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