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"That Was Another Job"

       Like foggy flashbacks, images of the blonde pretty girl who kept showing up around Max came to his head sometimes, mostly at night. At first, he thought it was Alicia but it was not. This girl made his heart ache sometimes. Those foggy images became clearer as the days went by. He had to ask Luna who she was and Luna filled him in the important part of who she was.

    "She was your girlfriend in high school. I'm sorry for keeping this from you. Doctor said too much information could hurt you. I'm sorry Max."

     When Luna filled him in with the bit he had to know, it started making sense to him. He booked an appointment with his doctor that very night and he was amazed at how he has been kept in the dark all this while. Alicia saw something was wrong with him and he chose not to talk about it. He was scared what he was feeling was true and what he saw was really true. Maybe someday, he'll reveal to Alicia who he was and what made him this way.

     Day one, Alicia was taking in the painkillers the doctors prescribed for her. Max was talking to Luna from afar and he was staring at her. "I did something bad Luna." He sighed. "No, I'm okay. I don't need it. I have been fine. It was just something." He smiled at Alicia and turned. "Did he agree to it?" She stood up from the chair and stood behind him, wrapping her arms on his waist. He held her hand and kissed on it. "That son of a bitch. He better do it right." She kissed on his bare back and he sighed. "I don't want to be there. Let him know it's only temporarily. I'll come back for it when I'm ready. Yeah, take care." He hanged up and turned to her. "Pretty Bell." He teased and she punched on his arm.

     "Stop freaking me out."

     "Luna got something for you."


    "Don't say no." She nodded. "I know you'll hate it if I ask you to just stay home so she got you a job as an intern. Is that cool with you?"

     "I'm not sure. I don't like the idea of her getting me a job."

     "It doesn't make sense right? I can finally go on that vacation with you. Let's start packing." He took steps to leave and she held his hand. "What is it pretty Bell?"

     "I'll do it."

     "Are you sure? The vacation is much better."

     "I'm positive."

     "Let's go shopping!"


       Shopping for clothes was the most tiring thing to do with Max. He goes all, "Aww, that's so cute Ali. Pick that one and that one and that one." she loved to be spoiled but not like this. Her knees were hurting. To please him, she accepted the heels he got for her and knew she'll have a hard time walking around in them.

     "We're done. Can we leave? It's getting late."

     "Ten more minutes." He said. She was nauseated by the sight of formal clothes. "Try this on." he picked up a dark blue dress at the knee length and she sighed. "This is the last one. I promise."

      She changed into the dress at the changing room and it was revealing her sexy features and cleavage. She tried on an ankle strap heel and raked her hair for the finishing touch. She stepped out and Max smiled at her. His girlfriend was really like the sunset. "I knew you'll look hot in it but I didn't expect this much juice. Damn."

     "Shut up and let's leave."

    "As you wish mi'lady." He bowed playfully and she shook her head laughing.

       Day Two, Luna briefed Alicia on the company she was going to work at. Angeles Industries. She said Alicia would be acting like a secretary and that was no problem at all. She asked Max what connection he had in it and he said none. He told her Luna had the connections and she had lots of friends in that field.

     Day Three, Alicia started work. Max lent her his car to work. It was a thirty or more drive to the workplace. She parked the car at the lot and made her way to the building. She was screaming out here. The place was awesome. She checked in at the front desk and the lady made a call. She asked Alicia to go on the second floor and enter the second office on her left. Alicia thanked her and did as she said. She smiled politely at everyone she came across.

      She stopped in front of a mirror door and took one more look at herself although Max said she looked perfect in the heels and dress. She winked at herself and the door opened. She stepped back in fear as someone came out of the door. This person smiled at her and he looked really familiar. She felt like she'd seen him somewhere before. She looked at the perfect Orange slim fit suit on his tanned skin and that demeaning smile and glittering eyes. She had to look away and think of Max. Max looked hot in suit too. "Alicia Bell?" He asked and she gulped.

     "Yeah... yes."

     "Come in." He smiled and opened the door widely for her. She entered the office and gasped. Aside the beauty of this place, he could see anyone walking outside. She couldn't believe she made a fool of myself on her first day. She felt him standing behind her and he smelt so damn good. "Let's have a seat." He took a seat on the leathered sofa and she sat before him, pulling her dress down. He smiled and scratched his head. "I'm going to get distracted for a while." he sighed and she pretended not to hear. "So uh.. can we start the interview." He asked. He was mesmerized by her beauty.

     "Interview? Yes, we can."

     "I'm just kidding with you." He laughed. He was like a burning sand. He scratched his head again and tapped his fingers on the sofa. "You're staring."

    "Sorry." She looked away.

    "Do I know you from somewhere? You look kinda familiar. Haven't we met before?"

    "I'm not sure..." Oh she remembered. He was the tanned guy in jean who bumped into her on the street. He complimented she was pretty then.
"You're the..."

     "The pretty girl?" He pointed and they smiled. Such a coincidence as Jake would say. Seriously why was she thinking of three guys? If Max ever reads her thoughts, he'd kill her. "Anyway, I'm Theodore Miles. I prefer Theo instead of Sir's. It makes me feel old. Hope you understand?"

     "Yes si... Theo." he laughed and she grunted.

    "Let's grab breakfast together."

     "Right now?"

     "Yes. FYI, I do nothing here. I just sign some papers and gets into the important meetings acting like I'm really working. I'm just a replacement. I hope you understand that?"

     "Absolutely."Theodore introduced her to his employees and showed her around the building's off-limits. Their manufacturing site was quite noisy so they left there early. She got to know people she'll be working with and they all seemed friendly. They said she was lucky to be his secretary. He was charming and friendly. He lied about not working much. Everything depended on him here. Her office counter was right at his door step and she could tell this job would be amazing.

     When the day was over, he offered to drive her home and she declined. She let him know she came with a car and she was familiar with the place. She got a call from Max and asked her to meet him at Rosie's Inn. She couldn't wait to tell him how her day was and how grateful she was to Luna. In the next thirty minute, she met Max at Rosie's and he smooched her in the chair, kissing her everywhere.

     "I missed you. Let's hurry and get home." He said. Dawn yelled at him to keep his act together and he sighed. "Why's she so scary sometimes?" She laughed and munched on the fries he ordered.

    The bells ding and when this blonde bitch walked in, She knew everything was over. Her three days were up.

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