Naamloos deel 4

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When Saturday rolled around, Louis felt as if he could puke with nervousness. He needed to make a good impression this time, his first had been so incredibly pathetic that he was surprised Harry hadn't denied him and requested for a new sub. He was dressed casually like Harry had requested, light blue skinny jeans and a pale white v-neck that flaunted his collarbones and clung to him nicely. He put on a gray, pressed wool coat since Harry had told him to dress warm. On his feet he simply wore converse, as he didn't feel like any of his other shoes went decently with his things. He could only hope that Harry liked what he had on.

He waited anxiously by the front door, peeking out the window every now and then to see if Harry had pulled up. His mother watched quietly behind him, and she attempted to soothe Louis, "I'm sure it'll be fine."

"I can't look like an idiot again," Louis mumbled, but then a 2014 ruby mustang was pulling up to the curve, and Louis spluttered out anxiously. "He's here, wish me luck."

"Have a good time, dear," Jay murmured as Louis tried to walk as calmly and as quickly as he could towards Harry's vehicle. He hesitantly opened the door, slipping into the passenger seat and looking down at the steering wheel rather than meeting Harry's gaze. He didn't know if he was allowed to.

"You can look at me," Harry informed him. "Unless I tell you otherwise," He added.

Louis blinked up carefully at Harry, finding that Harry was examining him thoroughly, "Okay, sir."

"You've picked out clothes very decently, I see," Harry hummed, but then his eyes fell on Louis' shoes. "Ah. Those are going to have to go. I don't think those go very well with what you're wearing."

"Oh," Louis spluttered. "Sorry."

"Just take them off and toss them in the back, you just won't be wearing shoes," Harry said decidedly, and Louis was quick to obey. "And buckle up."

"Yes sir," Louis whispered, carefully dropping his shoes into the back floorboard before buckling his seatbelt. Harry finally pulled away from the curb then, and Louis was refraining from beating his head against the window.

Once again, he had made himself look like a fool in front of Harry with his shoe choice. However, one of Harry's hands moved off of the wheel to settle onto Louis' knee. It sent shivers through Louis, the feeling of Harry's large hand resting there. It made him feel... owned, like he belonged to Harry, which is what it was supposed to feel like. He tried not to squirm, he wanted to be good for his Dom.

Harry took them to a fancy looking restaurant with some Italian name Louis wasn't even going to try to pronounce. He glanced down at his feet, already dreading the cold ground he was going to have to walk on. No shoes no service sadly wasn't a thing when it came to D/s relationships. If your dominant wanted to deny you an article of clothing, they could do it. Louis was just glad he would be allowed to wear shoes again. He just had to always make sure they went with his outfit.

The moment Harry was parked, Louis was startled to see a large crowd of paps swarm the vehicle. His eyes widened, and he looked to Harry in slight alarm, wanting direction. Harry growled towards the people swarming his vehicle, ignoring the flashing cameras as he turned his attention to Louis, "Don't look at them, don't speak to them, and ignore them if they try to grab at you. Just follow me and don't do anything to make me look like a fool."

"Okay," Louis nodded slowly.

Harry climbed out first, and Louis carefully got out and hurried to meet Harry, because not only was he feeling a tad claustrophobic, but his feet were already feeling numb having just left the warm interior of Harry's car. He was gazing at his freezing feet while Harry huffed and adjusted Louis' coat tighter around the boy. Louis was most likely already making Harry look like a fool if his coat was resting strangely, but then he remembered Harry had been firm on Louis not falling ill.

His Submission (by tonystankyall (orphan_account))Where stories live. Discover now