Naamloos deel 9

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Morning time came before Louis was ready for it. The sun decided to hit his face just right blinding him when he blinked his tired eyes open. "Oh god," he mumbled, rolling over. He lifted his hands to rub at his eyes and groaned as his head started to pound, much like the knocking on his bedroom door was.

"Louis!" His mother walked in, his father trailing behind her, grabbing onto her hand to try and calm her down. "How dare you come home drunk and make your dom carry you up the motherfucking steps!" She cried, ripping her hand out of her husbands grip. Louis cringed, rolling over so he didn't have to deal with her screaming. He felt like shit already, getting drunk in front of Harry? The nerve of him!

"I think you need to calm down," Louis' dad murmured still trying to pull the angry woman out of the room.

"How can I calm down? He's being so irresponsible with his dom. The shittiest sub out there. Harry is such a good boy but he's going to get brought down with Louis' insolence!" She yelled, throwing her hand out to motion to the groaning teen. She was making his headache worse and Louis was really close to crying. She was right after all. Harry was such a good man, a good dom, and he had to get stuck with a shitty sub.

"I think it's time you took a walk," Mark said, his own dom like voice coming through. Jay stopped talking and looked at him for a long moment before doing as he said.

"She's right you know," Louis said, turning from the wall to face his dad. He was all curled up in his blankets and it was then that he saw a glass of water and pills left on the bedside table. Louis knew his mother wouldn't put them there and he was sure his father wouldn't have either. It must have been Harry.

"She's not. He told us it was his fault that you got the way you were. He didn't blame you for being drunk," Mark mumbled, sitting in Louis' swivel chair to his little desk he had. Louis sat up and leaned against the headboard. He grabbed the water and medicine and drank it down.

"He did invite me out," Louis whispered, putting the glass back where it was.

"And that was his choice. He couldn't have been mad at you for something he did," Mark said turning a little in the seat, swaying from side to side. Louis licked his dry lips and lifted a hand to rub his dry eyes. "But he wasn't. I like him. I think he's a good dom for you and that you'll be an excellent sub for him. He seems to take very good care of you, he could have just left you at the end of the driveway. Instead he asked me if I would check on you and make sure you stayed on your stomach all night because he was afraid you'd throw up and then choke in your sleep."

"I called him... oh God," Louis moaned, covering his face. "I called him by his name."

"Louis..." Mark frowned.

"Well, kind of. I called him Sarry, I think," Louis shook his head at himself. "I remember him carrying me to his car and I kept calling him Sarry."

"Well don't worry too much about it," Mark sighed, patting Louis' knee. "Harry wasn't angry when he left. I think he was amused by you, actually. Maybe a bit concerned for your drunken state, but he seemed fond."

Louis blushed, blinking up at his father, "He did?"

"He did," his father chuckled. "I think he and you will mesh nicely together. You'll be a good sub for your dom, and he'll be a firm but caring dom for you."

Louis thanked his father quietly, settling back on his pillows and pointing to his blinds and curtains, "Will you shut those better? The sunlight isn't agreeing with me."

His father did as he asked then left the room with a small wave. Louis huffed, looking around for his laptop, patting the blankets around his legs and hips. Harry probably emailed him and if he didn't Louis was going to send an apology email for his behavior.

His Submission (by tonystankyall (orphan_account))Where stories live. Discover now