Naamloos deel 13

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Alright guys, Authors note before we go any further. This may be a long one but I beg you, please read this. It's kinda important so you guys understand a few things.

1) There ARE laws protecting subs from abusive dominants. That's why Harry threatened to call the cops last chapter. 'Why didn't the hospital report it?' because they are under patient confidentiality. If Louis wanted to press charges against Zayn then the hospital would have done something about it. Without Louis' consent they cannot do a thing.

1.5) 'Well can't Niall report Zayn?' Yes. Yes he can. BUT that doesn't mean he wants to or will do so. This is like being in an abusive relationship for most people. You LOVE the person who's hurting you, thinking that everything that happens is your fault. Niall has the same mentality.

2) Rape. I know most of you do NOT want it to happen but I asked Elsie about it and she left it up to me. I've been thinking about it for a while now and decided that I am not going to go through with it. There are a few reasons why. OUT OF 100:

-50 of you don't want it

-25 of you want it for the wrong reason (JUST to see what Harry will do)

-25 of you want if for the right reason (Impact on LOUIS instead of HARRY).

2.5) 'Well what are you going to do in place of the rape?' An attempted rape. Elsie and I are racking our brains on how to make it so it's not cliche. We got a pretty good idea but it's refining it. -Ayla (Elsie agrees xD)

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Louis woke up to an annoying beeping, and he felt a large hand gently touch his arm. His eyes fluttered open to a long torso leaning over him for something, and in a moments time it all came flashing back. Zayn, Niall, the cane. He shrieked, his hands flying up in attempts to shield himself, but his entire backside stung, making him yelp.

"It's alright, pet," another hand settled on him to make him lay still. "It's just me."

Louis looked up the torso towards the person's face, finding Harry gazing back at him in concern. He remembered then, Harry, Niall, Zayn, and the stupid fucking lamp he broke. He figured his Dom had to be pissed, and his face crumpled, "Fuck-"

"Are you in pain?" Harry asked anxiously. "I hit the call button because your I.V fluids are running low, that's what the beeping is. I hadn't meant to wake you."

"I'm sorry," Louis whimpered. "I'm so sorry, sir, the lamp..."

"Forget the lamp," Harry told him, glancing up as a petite female nurse came in. She didn't ask what she was beeped for, just scanned the room and got the answer for herself. She left the room and came back a moment later with a new fluid bag. "How are you feeling?"

Louis' bottom lip still trembled, "My bum and back hurts," he whispered, looking around himself as much as he could without moving too much.

"I'm sure it does..." Harry bit his lip. "He... won't be allowed around you."

"Niall!" Louis gasped suddenly, trying to push himself up. "Where's-"

"Louis!" Harry's hands slipped under Louis' arms so he could try to lay him back on his side. "You musn't move so roughly, you've got several stitches. Niall is asleep in the chair right over there. He's safe."

Louis covered his face with his hands, "He was going to try to take the blame, I tried to tell Zayn but he only told me to shut up and it happened so fast."

"I should have just let you stay with me," Harry's hand rose hesitantly, almost as if he were afraid that Louis would flinch away. Louis remained still, however, and Harry stroked at his hair. "It would have prevented a lot of things."

His Submission (by tonystankyall (orphan_account))Where stories live. Discover now