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"I have two weeks to move into his home," Louis told his mum the next day, he would have told her the important information when he got back from the meeting but he wasn't up to it. His mum had tried to ask but he ignored her and went to bed, he had embarrassed himself in front of his Dom, his life was over.

"Is he going to keep you in school?" Louis mother asked. He loved his mum, he kind of had to. But sometimes he hated how nosy she could be.

"Yeah, he is," Louis grumbled picking up his glass of orange juice, taking a small sip of it.

"Did he give you anything to take home?" She asked and Louis nodded, thinking about the folder sitting in his room on his dresser. "Well, what was it?"

Louis sighed looking at his mum. She had the same colour of hair Louis did and her build was much like his. Louis was a little, too, much like his mother. "Just an envelope telling me about himself and things that I needed to fill out for him," Louis told her and she nodded, turning to the stove to check on the noodles that were boiling. They were going to have pasta for lunch.

"Are you going to meet him again before you go to live with him?" Louis' mother asked, and he shrugged, looking down at his cellphone sitting next to him. His number was in the results that Harry would have recieved, Louis couldn't contact Harry but he was sure hoping that his Dom would contact him. "Have you checked your e-mail? He may be one of those old fashioned Dom's. I mean, he is in his thirties," Louis groaned and stood up from his seat.

"I'll go check it. If he did send me an email he probably thinks that i'm ignoring him or something," Louis told his mum and left the room, rushing up the stairs to his room. His laptop was sitting on his bed and Louis fit himself in front of it. He logged into his email and cursed himself for not checking sooner, Harry did try to contact him a few hours earlier.

To: Louis Tomlinson

From: Harry Styles

Subject: Coming to my home

It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday at the shoppe, Louis. I would like to invite you to my home this weekend to show you around and get you familiar with your new home.


Harry Styles (Dom)

Louis leaned back against his mass of pillows and reread the message a few times to make sure it was telling him what he thought. Harry Styles was signed with Dom at the end and every email or text would be signed with Dom or Sub depending on role. Dom/Sub was only an added signature once said Dom/Sub was assigned. Louis pulled his laptop closer to his legs and hit the reply button.

To: Harry Styles

From: Louis Tomlinson

Subject: Thank you

The pleasure was mine, sir. I would love to come over to your home and get adjusted with things. How should I dress?


Louis Tomlinson (Sub)

Louis hit the send button before he could chicken out of the short message he wrote. He stared at the dim laptop screen until it bleeped with a new inbox. Louis clicked it, now giddy.

To: Louis Tomlinson

From: Harry Styles


Casual clothes will do, please dress warm for the weather outside, I do not need you getting sick. I will be at your home at noon on Saturday. Please be ready.


Harry Styles (Dom)

Louis didn't message Harry back, didn't feel as if he should. There wasn't much he could say in reply anyway. He closed his laptop and pushed it away from himself. He was going to go to his Doms house and see where he would be living for the rest of his life. Louis wondered it he was going to have a room to himself or if he would share with Harry. Was Harry going to make Louis wear a collar? Louis itched to wear a collar, to be owned in one of the most intimate ways.

"Louis! Food is ready," Louis' mother yelled up and Louis sighed, getting up from his comfy bed to go eat. Doms like subs that ate when they were supposed to and held a good diet. A sick sub was no good to a dom and may be rejected. Doms may reject a sub and be assigned a new one, said sub would be put into a 'home' to be 'fixed' and reassigned afterwards. Subs, however, weren't allowed to reject their assigned Doms.


"I invited him here," Harry said closing his laptop after not receiving a reply from his sub. Zayn was sitting across from him on the island, eating a bagel.

"When?" He asked, ripping a piece and lowering down to Niall who was sitting at his feet on a thick fluffy pillow. The sub licked at his fingers after taking the bite, leaving the Dom clean.

"Saturday," Harry simply answered and motioned for Zayn to send Niall over, the sub did so, crawling against the hard, heated, tile. Harry gave Niall the rest of his eggs, letting him have the plate but not the fork. Zayn loved feeding his sub and hated it when the irish boy ate with utensils.

"It would be nice to finally have someone for Niall to be friends with," Zayn said snapping his fingers for Niall to return to his pillow as soon as Harry put the empty plate back on the island.

"Yes. We will not be sharing Louis and after he comes into my home I will not be using Niall with you unless it is necessary," Harry told Zayn watching as he fed his sub some more food, Niall loved food but got full and stomach aches much too fast.

"I understand," Zayn said shooing Niall off to go do something, as soon as the sub was past the kitchen flooring he stood up and walked to his room to play with his laptop or phone. "He's such a good boy," Zayn swooned after his sub and Harry laughed nodding, picking up his drink to sip at it.

"What should I do about Louis being a virgin?" Harry asked and Zayn shrugged, looking down at some papers they were looking through. It was Louis' personal information.

"I say that you should take it as soon as you can. Louis' not here for his enjoyment, he's here for yours. The longer you wait the more attached he will be to it. He may even try to use it against you," Zayn told Harry highlighting something, Harry looked at it. It was Louis' weight. "He is also overweight," Zayn said and Harry scoffed. His pet may have been just a bit overweight but seriously, he made it look good. "You should put him on a diet," Zayn added and Harry shrugged, maybe he should. Louis couldn't be a good long lasting pet if he got tired too easily.

"I don't know. He was just perfect when I met him," Harry said and Zayn peeked at him over the rim of his glasses.

"I'm sure he was. He still needs to lose weight. Oh, looky here. You have a category nine," Zayn mumbled pushing the paper toward Harry to point at the faint blue mark. Harry sighed, rubbing his hands over his face.

"A category nine?" He asked, googling the colours for the categories. He held the paper up to the screen and it was an exact match, Louis was a nine.

There were levels from 1-10. It was how fertile the subs were. It wasn't uncommon for males to get pregnant in their world. That didn't mean it wasn't a surprise to Harry that his sub could get pregnant. Fairly easily too. Niall was a category six, he could get pregnant but it was as if Zayn was wearing a condom, it just wasn't really all that much of a worry.

"When he moves in take him to the clinic. They can give him a shot, it'll only drop him to a six, but Niall hasn't gotten pregnant yet so it's your best shot," Zayn said taking the paper back to look through it some more. Things like Louis' category were written in small words and Zayn didn't want to miss anything else.

"Do you think he knows that category he's in?" Harry asked clicking some more links about categories.

"Probably not," Zayn said looking down at his watch, "Subs don't get information like that until two weeks after their birthday. Louis' been eighteen for eight days now," Zayn informed Harry and the Dom sighed, closing his laptop again.

"This is too much to take in," Harry told Zayn, who looked up at him and smiled.

"I'm sure it is, but you better take it in stride because this boy will sense your hesitation," Zayn told him putting the papers back into the manila envelope Harry had them in.

His Submission (by tonystankyall (orphan_account))Where stories live. Discover now