22. The Devil

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One week ago...

Ryuichi was staring at an unconscious body on a bed connected to different kinds of tubes and monitoring machines. He was wearing a sterilized hospital gown inside the ICU. He felt so cold all over. Not by the room's temperature but by the intensity of the mixed emotions inside his body.

He was in a meeting in Osaka when he received the devastating call. Dropping everything without notice, he immediately flew to Fukushima and when he arrived, the situation was already subdued. There were only 20 survivors out of the hundreds employees inside the building. Two of them were Yukio and Eiji who were both in a critical condition.

The two were immediately transferred back to Tokyo via emergency flight after being stabilized. They were now confined in one of the RN Health Systems Co.'s big hospitals.

As he looked at the faint rise and fall of his Omega's chest, a controlled part of himself was crawling back to the surface. He could feel another part of him awakened and a different kind of desire was now surging inside. Anger? No. How can something so simple and shallow describe what he felt right now? It wasn't in no way just anger anymore.

In front of him was his life, his world. And his world was struggling to survive now. 

Ryuichi dared not touch  the person whose heart was barely beating and on the brink of dying. He turned and left the room. Outside the ICU, Ichirou was standing, waiting for him.

"What did the doctor say, dad?"

"Broken legs, broken ribs, punctured left shoulder, head concussion and miscarriage."

The old man couldn't help but lower his voice at the last word. He looked at his son and he saw no emotion. Ryuichi's face was totally void of any expression. 

"Send the cleaners to the warehouse after 12 hours, dad."

Ichirou nodded. There was no need to get into specifics. He knew what was happening and what was about to happen.

It must be known, the Nakamura family had been popular in the business circle because of their high honesty and integrity in conducting businesses. Despite their strong work ethics, they were able to maintain excellent efficiency and productivity. In less than a decade, their reputation had been greatly stabilized, creating a massive financial network. They had even expanded to different markets abroad.

But the thing was, if someone was too honest in the business circle, would he truly last?

Yes, Ichirou's unparalleled cleverness and Rumi's exceptional people skills couldn't be overlooked. They had also raised a multi-skilled son who was a lot more talented than most of the businessmen his age. But still, the Nakamuras were never challenged by anyone. Nobody dared to offend them. But they were 'good people', which was the same as saying 'weak people' in this arena. How come nobody bullied them?

It was because, known to everyone but nobody dared to speak of, the Nakamuras had a 'devil' in the family. The most ruthless, coldest and merciless devil that knew no conscience nor regret. Every single person who dared to challenge this devil lost not only his life but also everything that he treasured, everything that was an evidence of the person's existence. Yes, including the whole family, the businesses, all life records and all connections. 

And as how any other devil was, the Nakamura's devil wore an honest and highly dignified face, that was of an obedient, respectable and hardworking son.

The metal door of a huge and modern warehouse was opened and a tall man wearing only a pair of black jeans, black V-neck shirt and a pair of black combat shoes came in. His face was unreadable and his eyes were blunt and cold.

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