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(Top lightsaber is Anakin's before, and the bottom lightsaber is the new one he creates in this chapter)

Anakin's POV

I entered the caves after I had melted the ice door away and quickly moved my way through the main cave area. I only had a few hours until the ice door froze shut again and then I'd be trapped in the caves until someone else came along and opened the cave again. The crystal shone brightly in their places as I passed, something that didn't happen to ordinary Jedi. When I first came here when I was 12 Obi-wan explained that crystals weren't supposed to shine brighter when you walked past them but it seemed to happen to me. 

I came to the caves with a few other Padawans that were all 13 and I didn't speak to them much because they seemed to think I was too young and immature. Obi-wan had come as well as Yoda and Obi-wan went into the main cave part with me and explained everything before he noticed that the crystals around me were lighting up.

I remembered I had just fit under the gap of the ice door, I had spent ages looking for my crystal since it was hard to get to and I almost didn't make it out in time, Obi-wan had almost gone in looking for me but Yoda convinced him not to. I always struggled with meditating so it took a while to make the hilt of my lightsaber but I eventually did it and when I first ignited my lightsaber it was a bright blue similar to the same shade as Obi-wan's and when I made my second lightsaber when I was 18 it started of green for a second but then switched to the same bright blue. 

I focused in on the force and closed my eyes, centring myself and called to the force asking it to show me where to go. Nothing happened for a moment and I sighed and continued to walk through passages and narrow tunnels. All the crystals started out clear but once you construct your lightsaber the crystal changes to the colour that best suits you, most lightsabers were a bright blue or green but sometimes someone will get purple, sometimes people will get a dark green or blue which was almost as uncommon as purple and no one really understood the meaning behind the dark green or blue. 

I stopped beside a dark hole and felt the force call me down there, I sighed and looked down the dark hole. I jumped down there and felt the cold air whip past me before I landed on a small island which has a few crystals on it that shone brightly but it wasn't my crystal. I got to my feet and shivered, I never dealt with cold planets well, coming from Tatooine most planets felt a little bit cold for my liking but I had learned to get used to Coruscant's and Naboo's climate. All around the small floating island I was standing on was complete darkness, this part of the cave felt so empty. The force called to me still but forward, I looked up and in the wall of the cave there was crevice and a bright light was blinding. I looked between the small island I was on and the empty darkness between me and the crevice in the cave wall that was a while away. I moved closer to the edge of the small island I was on and that's when I saw a thin rope-like piece of ice connecting this island to the crevice in the cave. 

"You've got to be kidding me," I muttered.

I punched the 'ice rope' and stomped on it but it didn't break, I carefully balanced myself on it and was kind of surprised when it didn't break under my weight. I made my way forward keeping my balance and using the force to help me, it required a lot of concentration and a few times I almost lost my balance and fell off. I reached the crevice and stepped onto solid ground, there was a pedestal and my crystal was sitting on the one in the centre, there were three other pedestals on either side of mine with initials carved into the ice. The first one was up to my ankle, the one next to that was just below my knee and the pedestal next in between mine and the second one was just below my hip and the same on the other side of mine. The pedestals were made out of ice but there were no lightsaber crystals on the other ones, I saw the empty spots where they used to be and frowned. I didn't know much about my past since my mother was sold off to pirates when she was 6 and forgot what her parents looked like. I looked at the initials and the ending letter was always 'S', there were initials carved out on my pedestal and my crystal was shining bright egging me to take it. I traced my finger over the A and S carved into the ice pedestal and then stood back up and grabbed my crystal, I placed it in a pouch on my belt and then slowly made my way back to the same island, balancing myself carefully on the ice rope. I climbed up through the dark hole I had jumped down once I reached the island and retraced my steps until I found the main cave.

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