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2 days later

Owen's POV

Their ship was almost repaired and my anxiety was growing as the days went on, Anakin was trying to buy as much time as possible but Obi-wan was beginning to notice something and kept flashing me questioning glances that I ignored. I had kind of been ignoring Obi-wan since he arrived, after I told Rex about the rebellion he said that Obi-wan was too respectful of the Government here to interfere and he'd probably try and stop the rebellion which was what I didn't want to hear. I was fearful that he'd be able to read my mind or do some Jedi trick on me and he'd find out about the rebellion, so I didn't talk to him that much and observed my older brother from far away. I didn't have any memories of us together since he left when he was three and I would've been 1 or 2 but our parents said we got along in the short amount of time we had together. 

Every day since I could remember we would always look at the Coruscant's reports for Obi-wan's or Qui-Gon Jinns name. We saw their names probably twice a year in the Coruscant news but it was a small reassurance that he was still alive, a few more years passed when we heard the reports about Qui-Gon's Jinns death and Obi-wan's knighting ceremony and that he took on a Padawan learner that was far too old but was believed to be the Chosen One according to Qui-Gon Jinn who was going to train him. 

The Coruscant news seemed to follow Anakin's path was interest and he excelled in all of his classes and was better than some Jedi Knights with a lightsaber at the age of 12. Obi-wan and Anakin's names appeared a few times but after the battle of Geonosis and the start of the war, their names appeared a lot more. There were many reports of how Obi-wan and Anakin fought the sith lord Count Dooku and Anakin lost his right arm in the battle but saved Obi-wan's life, Anakin was knighted shortly after and the news seemed like it was buzzing with excitement with that bit of news.  

During the war, Obi-wan's and Anakin's names appeared on the news almost every week and they had quickly earned themselves new titles, the Hero with no fear and the Negotiator, people were even calling them the unstoppable duo and the best Padawan/Master duo in history. Of course, there were hate reports that my mother fumed when she read, from the news it was easy to figure out that Anakin Skywalker was a risk-taker and did things his own way, they were extremely risky but they usually worked, the Jedi Council didn't particularly like this but they couldn't argue with the results. The hate reporters criticized Obi-wan's training as a result of Anakin's 'wild' behaviour but from watching both of them talking to each other I knew that it was just apart of Anakin's personality. The young Jedi was breaking records around the galaxy since he came to the Jedi Temple and Obi-wan, being his Master, was kind of dragged in the spotlight with him and Anakin's Padawan, Ahsoka Tano who left the Order a year ago but them came back which the Council also didn't approve of but couldn't argue against.

"Sir, there's a transmission for you," Rex whispered snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Thanks," I replied nodding my head and heading into my room where the device was buzzing. 

The Jedi were out at the ship and Obi-wan was with our parents collecting some herb or something like that. I closed my door behind me and answered the transmission, eagerly sliding into my chair at my desk.

"Owen, the attack is a lot sooner than we thought it'd be," Eric said urgently.

"When's it happening?" I asked, fear jumping up into my chest.

"Early tomorrow morning, Zara overhead some droids talking to Count Dooku over the comm, we need to meet up around midnight to form a plan before heading to the city. Is that Jedi going to help us?" 

"Yes, I'm almost positive he'll help," 

"He looks familiar, I feel like I've seen him on the Coruscant reports before," 

"You know how I told you how my brother Obi-wan Kenobi is here?" I asked.


"He's Obi-wan's former Padawan,"

I waited for the recognition to hit him and when it did I grinned as his eyes went wide.

"You mean the Anakin Skywalker is going to help a puny rebellion defend a neutral planet?" he scoffed.

"Yes, the reports say his plans are risky but I trust him," 

"If I die in battle, at least I can say that Anakin Skywalker fought alongside our rebellion,"

"Okay, okay, don't get ahead of yourself, do you reckon you could come by with some speeders later tonight so we can all head to the city?" I asked.

"Sure thing, I'll be there around 10, be ready,"

We both hit our left shoulder with our right fist twice before ending the transmission, it was the symbol between the rebellion group. At first, we were protestors trying to convince the King to join the Republic but after the droids began appearing in small towns and taking everything they wanted, we began fighting against the Separatists and the Sith.  

I got up out of my chair and walked out to the ship that was parked in the fields, Anakin's Padawan, Ahsoka walked out of the ship and gave me a small smile as she walked towards the house. I entered the ship and Anakin looked at me from his awkward position on the ceiling, his legs were tangled around a bunch of thick pipes in the ceiling while he held himself up with core strength to fix something in the ceiling of the ship. From Rex's face, I could tell he was uneasy about his General being up there because he could easily fall but the Young Jedi Master seemed fine to me. 

"When's the attack happening?" he asked.

"H-How did you-"

"Your emotions give it all away, I can sense it through the force,"

"Eric is bringing speeders around 10, we're going to a base of ours near the city of plan our defence before getting into position," I explained, "Count Dooku's going to be there as well,"

The Young Jedi flipped down from his position and landed before frowning.

"I don't know why Dooku would want to take over a planet like this, Stewjon can't really offer anything valuable to the Sith besides land and healing supplies. But he has a droid army so why would he need healing supplies?" Anakin questioned more to himself than to me.

"Maybe he needs more lands for one of those droid bases," Rex pointed out.

Anakin nodded but his frown disappeared and he looked out the ship door.

"Obi-wan's back, a word of advice, don't think about the rebellion or the upcoming fight at all. It'll be a major giveaway to Obi-wan about what's going on," Anakin quickly relayed.

I nodded and then quickly left the ship and walked back to my room before closing the door and began preparing a few plans that we could use tonight. I took a deep breath and sighed, tonight could change the outcome of Stewjon's future, and hopefully the rebellion can help the King make the right decision. 

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