Key to Truth and Lies

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Lies. He was a fucking liar and he couldn't believe he said that. He realized it was Pidge after the third shot, right around when Lance had given her a drink. He recognized that half-smirk-half grin she made every time she found something amusing. Of course, Lance would never figure out that the dressed up girl who was at the table was friggin Pidge.

But then, his mouth had to go and spout out a lie that he realized it was Pidge when they were making out. Why he lied, he had no idea. Granted, he wasn't entirely himself, but to let his hormones, that he thought was no longer so strong since he wasn't a teenager anymore, do whatever it wanted was troublesome.

It honestly didn't help that she was turned gorgeous, as if by some kind of magic. He really had to hand it to Allura to make such an astounding transformation. So much so that he had apparently brought her to his apartment (even though, he clearly knew who she was) without any idea of what the hell happened last night. Fantastic. And now, he couldn't get the images out of his head of what he wanted to do with the still very pretty Pidge that sat next to him. He blamed the lack of recent company, time for himself, and the way she literally changed his mind in one night. Especially when he could still see all the love bites he had left on her neck and inwardly cursed at how arousing he found that to be. Stupid hormones.

Pidge fiddled with the hem of her dress. "So... You honestly don't remember anything?"

Keith shook his head, his right arm resting on the neat pile of pillows that sat to the right of him. His hand stroked his chin, "I swear I don't, Pidge. I wouldn't just lie to you about something... that... may or may not have happened."

She could feel her neck creeping in shame and embarrassment. If nothing had happened, it was good, right? And yet, the sinking feeling sat heavily in her stomach. Did that mean he wouldn't have done what he did with her? Was she not a fitting match for Keith? Something about that caused angry heat to curl in her chest, resisting the urge to snap out in her assumption since this moment was important. Her hands gripped her dress.

"Would you have?" She still found herself asking and she cursed herself for the need to have her questions answered. (It's the inner logic in her; it had to be.)

It was as if the room had its air sucked out. He didn't answer right away as she hoped he would since it would have made this easier for her, but instead, he had to go and make this more complicated than it needed to be.

He wanted to say that he wanted to. He wanted to say that he had never thought of her that way until last night and he wanted to say that after seeing her last night, he wanted nothing more than to take her somewhere else instead of the nightclub with how beautiful she looked. He thought she deserved more than being in a nightclub, where the lights would hide all of Allura's hard work at making her so dazzling.

Instead, he responded with, "I... Pidge, you're my friend. I can't take advantage of you like that."

Pidge wanted to throw something. She couldn't handle the humiliation of what could have and what's more, she couldn't believe his immediate default of deflecting instead of answering with his honest opinion. He went safe, he went expected, and he went and friend zoned her. Especially since she clearly remembered him kissing her back last night.

"Oh good, I wouldn't have done it with you either." She didn't sound relieved, no, in fact, she sounded irritated and she let it show. She stood up and headed to the door.


"No, Keith, you've made your stance quite clear." One foot in her shoe and the next followed quickly after. She reached for the doorknob only for it to slam shut the moment she opened it. Flashing eyes shot to him, cursing him and his stupid tallness. " What , Keith?" she snapped.

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