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Hours later, with the situation being handled by Allura and Coran, they broke it down to the rest of the group that they should be on their guard for the remaining duration of their trip.

While everyone had voiced concerns about the safety of their stay, they had agreed that they didn't want to waste the trip and would take precautionary measures should it happen again. The said precaution was that everyone would stick close together and be in pairs if they had to separate from the group.

Over those days, they each slowly relaxed and managed to have fun despite the worry. However, Coran made a promise that he would be the "chaperone" and "responsible adult" to take care of them. While they joked that they doubted those words, it still reassured them, and it was enough to ease them back into their vacation and enjoy it.

It was perhaps another two days into this routine that Pidge was paired up with Keith and they were heading down to the beach for a walk to look for some shells. Pidge knew that her mom would've wanted some as a souvenir. Matt had triumphantly stated that he had already found the perfect seashell to give her that it sparked a small competition among the siblings.

"You don't think Lance is doing anything weird lately, do you?" Keith asked when Pidge crouched down to look at some shells. Her gaze lifted from her hands to Keith, who trailed several feet behind her. His hands were in the pockets of his jeans, and his eyes were on the shores. "He's been... oddly not as annoying lately."

Pidge tilted her head before returning her attention to the seashells. Aside from the fact of what she told Lance on their way over to the beach house, there was nothing else to indicate that Lance was planning to do something.

No, wait, she took that back. Lance was always planning something but whether or not he'd let them in on his plans was her best guess. (Unlikely.)

Unsatisfied with any of the seashells she was looking at, she stood back up and dusted her hands off of sand to begin walking again.

With her hands behind her back, Pidge shrugged. "Honestly, Lance will do whatever the heck he wants and if that means he's a little less annoying—to you or to me or anyone—then that's pretty good. But, you're right though." She frowned. Lance usually liked to be nosey about all of their business, especially hers when it came to relationships, and surprisingly, he hadn't been as intrusive and nosey as he usually was. Though, she was outwardly relieved he wasn't nosey. She wasn't sure if she could handle Lance, Keith, her muddled feelings for Keith, and the news she had yet to give.

There was a pause that a breeze picked up and she continued to mull over how differently Lance had been acting lately. Warmth caressed her skin, and she lifted a hand to hold back one side of her hair. Man, back when she had short hair, she didn't care which direction her hair went in the wind. Part of her almost missed it.

Keith cleared his throat. "Well, if he's less annoying, then that's good for both of us and everyone else."

She glanced back, and Keith was rubbing his neck and staring determinedly at the ground.

Her brows knitted together. Now that they were alone again, maybe she can...



Watching his eyes slowly lift to look at hers had very nearly made her heart stop. (And suddenly, she wanted to die because what the heck was wrong with her?) She wasn't ready, not in the least, to have the conversation that she had been mindlessly rehearsing on repeat since she had been told the news. Instead, what came out of her mouth was the secondary curiosity that had been bubbling up inside of her since the moment he made it.

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