When It's Too Late

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Pidge knew her phone would be blowing up by Allura's concern for her well-being. Surprisingly, she saw that there were a few texts of worry (nowhere near as many as she thought originally), mixed with a few phone calls and a voice mail. Listening to the voice mail wasn't as bad as she thought it'd be either. Most of the messages fell in the line of, "I hope you're safe." But, the last most recent text message just had an emoji of a smirk. Then she knew that it was possible that Keith contacted Allura to let her know that Pidge was staying over his place.

She promptly replied to the smiley with a question mark, feigning ignorance. Glancing at her phone again, the time indicated close to ten in the morning and had the tempting idea of going back to sleep since she had nothing scheduled to do. She was feeling better but knew her body could use some more rest. Sliding herself out of Keith's bed, she noticed that a lot of his stacks of books were gone. Lifting a brow, she headed to the bathroom to freshen up. In the living room, she spotted Keith sleeping in the same spot she was sleeping in last night: the couch. In front of him, piles of textbooks and papers filled the place of where they had their noodles. They were once in the bedroom and were currently out in living room. Pidge reasoned he did that so he wouldn't bother her with his studying while she slept.

Staying quiet, she looked for a cup in the cupboards for a drink of water. Thankfully, they were on the lowest shelf. After getting a drink, she paused by the doorway to the bedroom. Setting the cup down, she walked back to the living room and knelt down beside where Keith slept.

"Keith," she whispered, calling him awake.

He must be a light sleeper because he opened one eye and the other followed. "Morning to you too, Pidge..." Yawning, he shifted so that his arms were under the pillow to have a better look.

He was tired, she can tell that much. It was possible he passed out only a few hours ago. "You can have the bed back," she said.

Blearily, he reached over for his phone, reading the time and groaned while his other hand rubbed his face. "It's too early for this... You go back to the bed, Pidge." Shiro taught him polite mannerisms befitting a gentleman and it was ingrained in him like tinkering with a new invention was to Pidge.

"I don't want to take your bed from you." She narrowed her gaze. As comfortable as it was for her to sleep on it, she couldn't do that to Keith when he needed it just as much as she did.

"It's seriously too early for this, Pidge, I don't want to argue." But Keith knew that she was going to be insistent no matter what he did and his irritation from being woken up and the lack of proper sleep (in the last few days himself) was getting to him. With another groan, he pulled the blanket off of him, pulled her up by the arm while simultaneously grabbing the pillow, and headed to the bedroom.

He tossed her onto the bed and made a hand gesture for her to scoot inside against the wall. Dropping the pillow down on his side, he wrapped part of the blanket around her and the other half around himself. "Now go to sleep." His head on the pillow with his back facing her, she watched as his breathing fell even again. Incredulous, she leaned forward to see, yes, he truly fell asleep, just like that.

Her skin prickled with embarrassment and the realization that they were sleeping in the same bed together. The plan had worked to get him to the bed to sleep and her on the couch, but to think that both of them were on the same bed was enough to wonder why did she have to be so stubborn to make him have the bed. With the added bonus that he didn't seem too bothered to be sharing a bed with her, she felt a little miffed. But then, his exhaustion was evident in how he had just fallen asleep so quickly just now that she knew her pride fizzled. It was unfair to put that on him.

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