Find You

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Keith didn't expect Pidge to run out of the apartment like the building was on fire. And when he ran out after her, she was gone. Cursing under his breath, Keith picked up his phone and was about to dial her phone when he realized she had left her behind. Trying his best to restrain his frustration, he ran a hand through his hair. Stowing his wallet and keys into his pocket, he texted Pidge's phone with a message and took the spare from his bedroom. Leaving her phone and the apartment key in a spot by the door that would allow Pidge easy access to find them should she come back, Keith left.

A few hours later, with still no word from Pidge, he returned to the apartment after relentlessly searching for wherever she might've gone. Sweat covered his skin, and his heaving chest struggled to keep up. Summer, at the very least, meant that if Pidge was out there somewhere, she wasn't going to freeze. In a way, he was relieved. But, that meant less protection.

Climbing the stairs, he stopped when he realized that his floor mat was shoved much farther than it should be from his door. He crossed his arms and furrowed his brows. Kneeling, he saw scuff marks that weren't there before and could see the trace marks of a fight that had happened. But when he finished tracing the fight, his blood turned cold.

Worse than when Pidge had told him that she was pregnant in the middle of their argument.

The next few hours after that went by in a blur. Keith called Shiro to tell him that Pidge was taken, but with no proper evidence and without the formality of her being missing for over twenty-four hours before the police could move, there was nothing they could do. Allura started using her means of trying to find Pidge and Lance were having his family help out by looking for where they could've taken her. Hunk was trying to find ways of looking for her via the web and having her picture spread to help search.

Again, Keith felt powerless.

He recalled the digging he went through when he got to Allura's apartment, looking at the profiles she had dug up on Rick and his friends. Keith skimmed through and tried to find anything that might be a clue.

"You're not going to find anything in there," Allura called out from where she sat on the couch in the living room.

"Leave him," Shiro said with the slight shake of his head. "Maybe he'll find something."

But he grew frustrated, finding none of the information on it was enough of a lead for him to find Pidge and threw the papers back onto the dining room table. He stormed off to the front of the apartment.

"I'm going for a walk."

"Right now?" Allura jolted from her seat and tried to hide the alarm from showing on her face.

"But, Keith, you can't go out this late." Hunk moved from the kitchen, where he was worry-cooking, and frowned. "What if something happened to you?"

Keith groaned and ran a hand down his face.

"I can't sit still—knowing that she's out there—somewhere—and I'm doing nothing!"

Shiro stood up from where he sat on the couch and lifted his hand toward Keith. "You're doing something that's not only a risk to you," he reasoned. "We don't know how much of a danger Pidge is in, and until we have an idea, then we can—"

"And then it'll be too late!"

No, he couldn't deal with waiting around. Waiting for some miracle wasn't going to happen because he wished for it.

In a huff, he grabbed his helmet and headed down the stairs to his motorcycle. When he clicked the helmet into place, Shiro was running down the stairs. When he kicked off and rode was when he left Shiro standing on the sidewalk with his hands in a fist.

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