Just a Dream

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How the hell did those words come tumbling out? How the hell did she just literally say the very words that she had kinda sorta rehearsed for the last few weeks in a stupid argument? And how in the world was she going to face everyone now that they had just heard the news?

But most importantly, how was she going to face Keith?

Slamming the door shut behind her, she pressed her back against it and slid down to the floor. She brought her knees close to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, burying her face to it and cried.

— x — x —

"I don't know if I heard that right, but did Pidge just say she was pregnant?" Lance asked in a way that his voice ended in a squeak. He looked between all of his friends while his hands tightened their grip on the back of the chair he was sitting on.

"I—I'm pretty—pretty sure that's what she said," Hunk said lamely. With his hands on his lap, he looked on in concern to everyone else in the room.

"And yet, you two don't seem surprised," Shiro spoke with a strained tone that his hard gaze looked on at his best friend and then to Allura.

Allura and Matt exchanged guilty glances from where they stood in the living room. Matt rubbed the back of his neck but didn't say anything. He looked at the floor and Allura clasped her hands in front of her.

"Why did both of you know and yet, none of us did?" Shiro asked, his surprise and incredulity with the situation permeating every fiber of his being. "How—"

"It wasn't something we had any right to share without disrespecting her wishes," Allura interrupted smoothly. "She wanted to tell the father of the child the news first before she spoke of this to anyone else."

"And? Did she tell him?" Coran asked with a raised brow. There was a hint of concern in his voice that spoke to his age. "Will he be taking responsibility for the child or will—"

"She said she would speak to him soon," she responded. "Coran, I understand your worries but please, let this be Pidge's and the father's decision to make. Pidge is already aware of the consequences of her pregnancy and I assure you, she had thought only of the child and nothing else."

Coran regarded every single person in the room with a long and stern look. "I imagine the parents already know?"

Allura matched his expression with a steadfast one. "Yes, they already know. So please, Coran, let us—let us sort this out ourselves."

He gave her an even longer look before he shook his head. "Alright, but I don't agree with how any of this is being handled, but you're right—it's both hers and the father's responsibility." He stood up from the table and was moving out of the room. "Now, if any of you need me, I'll be in my room so I expect everyone to be on their best behavior."

Despite the silence that greeted him, he took that as an understanding and left the room.

For the entire duration of the conversation, Keith was still frozen in place.

"Who's the father?" Shiro asked after a moment.

Both Matt and Allura averted their gaze.

"Matt, Allura." His voice was soft with a subdued anger. "Who's the father?"

Matt looked at Allura again and rubbed his neck. "I can only guess, but I don't know who it is."

"It's—It's not for me to say." Allura tightened her grasp and her eyes looked down to the floor before they closed. "I'm sorry."

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