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761 words

basic information
you live in Charlotte town and have your own little clothes shop
you love traveling


You feel a slight breeze in your hair as you see the coast coming closer. You can't wait to get off this ship and start exploring!

When the boat stops you're one off the first to get off. You look around and smile to yourself. You feel so free and you can go wherever you want.

You walk trough the market. All these exotic foods look delicious. You decide to buy a mango since you suddenly feel like you're starving.

After a long walk you see some sort of bar. You decide to order a drink there. You approach the bar as you suddenly see a boy running in your direction. You stand still out of shock and the boy throws up all over your shoes.

"Oh miss I'm so sorry!" he says.

You laugh. How embarrassing. "it's fine I have a few extra pair" You say as you chuckle. "are you okay?"

"I think so I just uhm-" He smiles at you obviously embarrassed. "I'm really sorry about your shoes miss uhh-"

"y/n y/l/n"

"Gilbert Blythe" He says while shaking your hand, his hand feels soft in yours.

you can feel your cheeks heat up. for a boy that just threw up all over your shoes he was quite handsome.

Gilbert Blythe...
where did I hear that before?

You notice a man smiling at you two and you smile back. "And uh this is my friend Sebastian" Gilbert says gesturing towards him.

Sebastian steps forward and shakes your hand.

"Anyway. how can I make up for.. well.. ruining your shoes" Gilbert says while scratching his neck, a nervous chuckle escapes his mouth.

"How about you buy me a drink mr. Blythe" you say with a smile on your face.

"Of course" he says and quickly walks over to the bar and orders three drinks.

You sit down at a table and look at your shoes. you chuckle. How gross.

"he's just a very clumsy boy" Sebastian says laughing

"I see" you say smiling.

"So what is a beautiful girl like you doing in a place like this?" gilbert asks while handing you a drink.
you blush slightly.

Did he just call me beautiful?

"Well I love traveling and I needed to get out of my hometown for a while. I'm going back in about two weeks" you say with a slight smile.

"where are you from?" Gilbert asks as he grabs a few napkins to clean your shoes.

"Charlotte town, Prince Edward Island" you say and then take a sip of your drink, while looking down at him.

"Really? I'm from avonlea!" Gilbert says raising his eyebrows, as he continues to clean your shoes. to your relieve it's working

"oh I go to school there!" you said smiling.

"for how long have you been going there?" Gilbert asked.

"about three months I think, It's pretty far but I like the people there better" you say with a small chuckle.

"and you've never heard of me?" he asks with a frown.

"well now you mention it. I think I have, my friend ruby... she never stops talking about Gilbert Blythe the guy of her dreams" you say chuckling.

Gilbert laughs shaking his head.
"well that's not very surprising. Ruby has had a crush on me for years now" he says chuckling.

"are you ever coming back?" you ask with a small frown.

"I don't know... m-my father wanted me to see the world" a sad expression appeared on his face as he sat down after throwing away the napkins.

you look at him for a few seconds and a painful silence sets in. you heard all about what happened from your classmates. poor guy.

"so sebastian where are you from?" you ask and continue the conversation.

when you all finish your drinks. you decide it's time for you to start looking for your hotel.

"well I better get going" you say, wiping your shoes of with a napkin again.

"It was nice to meet you y/n" Sebastian says

"Nice to meet you too sebastian," you say standing up.

Gilbert and Sebastian stand up as well. "I hope we'll meet again sometime" Gilbert says and you nod.

"Write me if you ever decide to come back. " you say smiling at him. You look into his eyes for a moment, you can see why Ruby likes him. You quickly kiss his cheek. "Goodbye!" you say before walking away from Sebastian and a heavily blushing Gilbert.

You smile to yourself. you really hope he comes back to Avonlea someday.


I guess this was the first chapter! I know it's not very good but I'm trying my best lol. feel free to leave tips or point out any spelling errors (english isn't my first language). anyways I hope you enjoyed it :)

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