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it's been another week. you almost finished your blue dress and anne has been working as your assistant. you enjoyed her company alot. you were almost finished on her dress. you decided to make it yellow with all kinds off flowers because you knew she would love that.

it was tuesday and Gilbert could be coming back anytime now. It made you a little nervous. you were walking towards the schoolhouse humming softly to yourself.. you were a little late so you quickly took your seat next to Anne. you were a little confused when you saw cole sitting in front off you.
"what's cole doing sitting with the girls?" you whispered
"mr Phillips" she simply replied.
you frowned deep and clenched your jaw looking at Mr. Phillips.

what a jerk.

after school you and Anne went on a train to Charlotte town. today would be her last day. she helped a few customers while you worked on her dress. she wasn't allowed to see it yet which made her very curious, she would ask questions every few seconds and you would just chuckle and tell her to wait. when you finished it you immediately told her.
"done" you said with a smile
"come on try it on" you handed it to her and her mouth fell open.
"it's absolutely gorgeous" Anne said. she went into the dressing room.
"oh y/n I love it!" she yelled.
you smiled. you worked hard on every dress you made and you loved happy reactions.
Anne came out of the dressing room with a big smile.
"I look like a princess!" she said as looked at herself in a mirror.
"you do!"
"to bad my hair ruins it" she said looking down.
"what are you talking about? your hair is unique and beautiful!" you say.
"I'll style your hair for you if you want!" you say already picturing the result.
"oh that would be amazing"
she said sitting down in front of a mirror.
you started working on her hair.

"done, open your eyes!"
Anne opened her eyes and her face lit up.
"Oh wow it's beautiful" she says while spreading her eyes wide.
you smiled. Anne looked at herself.
"Don't you think it would look better in a beautiful raven color or blonde"
"no I love your red hair, to be honest I'm kinda jealous of it" you said smiling. she hugged you.
"anyway, you're done working here you say handing her a little bag with some money in it"
she took it and then gave it back with a smile.
"oh no that's for you to keep!" you say chuckling.
"but the dress-"
"isn't that expensive, you worked here a whole week!"
"thank you!" she said smiling
"see you tomorrow!"
"bye Anne!"

as soon as Anne was out of the shop you closed it and made dinner humming a song. after dinner you worked on your blue dress. the last few details. when you finished you immediately put it on. you looked in the mirror smiling. you couldn't wait for everyone to see you in it.

The next morning you got up early to catch the first train. you changed into a green dress and went downstairs with your school books and lunch.

at school you saw that everyone was inside already. you walked in and saw Anne and Diana standing in a corner.
"hey g- oh my! what happened to your hair?" you look at Anne with shocked expression on her face. her hair was short.
"not important" Diana said.
You gave Anne a hug because she looked sad.
"We got your back" you told her before walking into the classroom. but Anne and Diana didn't follow.
you saw a group of people circled around something. or someone. could it be Gilbert? you walked towards them and your eyes locked with Gilbert's hazel ones.
"Gilbert you're back!"
"hey y/n" he said looking at you with a smile. everyone looked confused as you gave him a hug.
"how were your last weeks?
"well I mainly worked on the ship, got myself in trouble so I had latrine duty" he said as he chuckled. you cringed
"must've been great!" you said sarcastically looking into his gorgeous eyes.
everyone turned around and looked in the other direction at Anne. poor girl I wonder what happened.
you sat down next to ruby. she was staring at Gilbert. you laughed.
"earth to ruby" you whispered.
"oh sorry" she giggled "he's just so dreamy" you giggle.

yes he is. he really is.

class went by quickly. you swear you saw Gilbert in the corner of your eye staring at you a few times causing your cheeks to turn red.
when school was finished you talked to the Anne.
"wanna talk about what happened?"
"no" she said with a sad expression on her face. you saw josie laughing at her.
"don't listen to those idiots, you don't look ugly believe me"
"thanks y/n but I do look ugly, I'm going home now." you hugged her and she walked away leaving you on your own in the field.

"hey beautiful" you hear behind you.
you turn around to see Gilbert standing there.
"Hello mr Blythe" you say smiling.
he smiles at you.
"I uhh w-well" he pauses for a moment and you chuckle.
"I was wondering if you'd like to come for tea" he asks scratching his neck.
"oh well I'd love to but I have work to do today. you see I have an order to finish before 4 p.m. I'm sorry"
"oh" Gilbert said with a dissapointed expression on his face he looked at you.
"can I walk you to the train station then?" he asked with hopeful eyes.
"of course" you said with a slight blush on your cheeks. Gilbert noticed and smirked at you.

the walk to the station was pretty awkward. when you two arrived you said goodbye.
"I'll come by for tea tomorrow" you say smiling.
"that'd be great" he said.
"well I have to go I got a train to catch." you say and kiss his cheek.
you look at him and see he's bright red. you chuckle
"are you blushing Mr. Blythe?"
"I uh-" he cratches his neck
you laugh "see you tomorrow!"
"s-see ya" Gilbert says just standing there with bright red cheeks and a smile on his face.

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