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you were walking towards the station, you wanted to go home. this day was awful. you were really confused about your feelings for Gilbert and hated that you were fighting with one of your best friends.
"Y/n wait up!" You hear Gilbert yelling.
you turn around and smile at him.
"hey" you say looking at him.
"why didn't you wait for me?" he asks walking uo to you.
"well your house is in the other direction and I didn't think you were planning on walking me to the station." you say scratching your neck.
"but why are you in such a hurry?" he asks as he takes your hand in his. you squeeze it gently and smile. "to be honest Gilbert I'm exhausted. we went to bed very late and woke up early. I'm in a fight with ruby and I have work to do" you say sighing.
"oh... need my help with anything?" he asks with furrowed eyebrows.
"if you want you can help me in my shop. I could use an assistant" you say as you chuckle.
"I'd love to help" he says.
"that's great let me buy you a train ticket."
you guys get on the train and sit across from eachother as you complain about your fight with Ruby.
"why are you guys fighting about anyway?" Gilbert asks chuckling.
"she's mad at me because she believes she has "dibs" on you. she hates the fact that we're hanging out now."
Gilbert chuckles again "well she's gonna have to get used to it" he says. he smirk at you when he notices the small blush on your face.
you smile and look away.

"what do you want me to do?" Gilbert asks when you're opening up the shop.
"just give the customers some advice and sell my dresses" you say smiling you open the door and walk inside. "let's go to the kitchen I'll explain it over tea"
Gilbert follows you as you walk up the stairs. you throw your bag in a corner and sit down.
you sigh "what a day" Gilbert sits down next to you and looks around.
"nice house!" he says smiling.
"thank you! I decorated it myself"
"I can tell. You're really creative."
"thanks that means alot to me"
you stare at him for a moment feeling your cheeks heat up at his compliment. he clears his throat.
"we should get to work"
"yea about that... how should I give fashion advice I don't know anything about dresses." Gilbert says as he chuckles.
"well as long as you stay polite and give your opinion you'll be fine" you say smiling.
"why don't you practice on me." you say standing up and getting two pieces of fabric.
"what fabric looks better on me? dark blue or light blue?" Gilbert stares at you. "both look beautiful on you"
"thank you that's very nice of you to say. now answer my question" you say as you laugh.
Gilbert stares at you again this time for what seems like forever.
"Gilbert you don't need hours to see that dark blue looks better on me"
Gilbert laughs "I figured that out a minute ago I just wanted to stare at you for some longer" he says with a smirk. you nudge his shoulder and smile. "you're impossible"

you work on a new order while Gilbert talks to your customers. it's obvious he's a nervous wreck.
you smile to yourself. he's looks cute when he's nervous.

"why do you have so many customers" he asks chuckling
"I just know alot of people" you say chuckling
"you're a real people person aren't you"
"not really. I'm hate most people. I do find them very interesting" you smile
"I hope you don't hate me" he says chuckling
"oh I could never." you say as a blush appears on both off your faces.

"it's starting to get late, do you wanna stay for dinner?"
"I'd love to but the last train is going in an hour"
"you could stay over" you say looking at the floor scratching your neck.
"alright yea I'll stay" Gilbert says with a huge smile on his face.
"I'll make dinner can you close the shop?"
"of course."

Gilbert sits down and you put the plates on the table.
"it's not very fancy I know. I never have guests so I eat simple."
"you never have guests? I tought you had alot of friends"
"I do but I mostly go over to their houses. just because I'm interested. someone's house can say alot about a person." you say sitting down
"I can tell. your house is beautiful. just like you..."
he pauses for a second and looks into your eyes. you're a blushing mess
"... but there's so much more to it I bet... every painting here has it's own story"
you smile at him.
"they all represent parts of my life. memories. I got most of them from friends. I even made a few myself"
"you paint?" he asks as his intrigue grows.
"I used to. But I'm not that good at it. It also takes so much time to learn."
"You're young you've got all the time in the world."
"I suppose that's true. I planning on going to art school after my last year in Avonlea"
"That'd be perfect for you."
you nod. "I know."

"honestly y/n it feels like I've known you for years. you're perfect." you look at Gilbert who is laying next to you.
"if I was perfect my parents wouldn't have left me." you say shaking your head.
Gilbert turns silent for a moment. and you realize what you just said.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that. you say something really sweet and I completely ruin the moment with my complaini-"
"hey look at me Y/n." he cups your face. "you're amazing! you're beautiful, smart, caring, unique and so much more, you're perfect to me and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise, your parents dont deserve you if they can't see how amazing you are."
he wipes away one of your tears.
"I hate seeing you like this."
he lookes into your eyes his heary beating fast.
"will you be my girlfriend y/n?"
you freeze and a smile appears on your face..
"yes" you say with tears rolling down your face. happy tears and sad tears all at the same time. you look into his eyes as he wipes them all away. you lean in and kiss him gently his lips brush against yours barely touching. butterflies go crazy in Gilbert's stomach while your whole body tingles. you pull away slowly.
you hug him tightly and cry into his neck. Gilbert pulls you even closer as he rubs circles on your back softly whispering in your ear.
"shhh I got you, let it all out"

Gilbert Blythe X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now