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the next morning you wake up very early. you open your eyes and notice an arm around you. you widen your eyes and a blush apoears onbyour cheeks. you look to the side and see Gilbert looking at you.
"morning beautiful" he says with a smile. "morning" you say confused. "what time is it?" you ask sitting up
"it's half past four" Gilbert replies and pulls is arm away from underneath you and sits up as well. "then why are you awake and well... staring at me?" you ask smiling.
"I haven't been able to sleep well lately" he says with a small smile.
"how come?" you ask frowning.
"I don't know I guess this house just brings back old memories" he says. you notice he's fighting against his tears. he didn't like showing his feelings. especially to you he didn't want you to think he was weak.
"its alright to cry you know" you say taking his hand.
"I just... I just miss my father" a tear rolls down his face.
you squeeze his hand. and more tears come falling down. he can't stop them anymore. you pull him into a tight hug. he holds you tight burying his face in your neck.

I could get used to this.

you run your fingers trough his hair as you feel your shoulder getting wet from Gilbert's tears.
You two just sit there until the sun rises.
"Good morning!" you hear bash yelling from the hallway. you pull away from the hug and look at Gilbert. "morning" he yells while wiping away his tears.
"morning" you yell as well.
Gilbert looks at you with a small frown.
"thank you for... that" he says squeezing your hand.
you give him a small sympathetic smile "if you ever need someone to talk to just let me know"
Gilbert nods feeling relieved that you acted so normal about it. "let's eat breakfast."

"What will everyone say when they see us walking to school together and I'm wearing the exact same clothes as yesterday. I don't wanna answer a million questions" you chuckle as you walk to school with Gilbert.
"we'll just tell them it's none of their business" he says smiling.
"Thank you for letting me stay"
your hand brushes against his a few times on the way and you decide to just grab it. Gilbert stops walking for a second and then smiles at you, both off your cheeks turning bright red.
you guys walk on. you can see the school already. you got really nervous. you don't want ruby to yell at you or josie to slap you because ruby has "dibs" you walk into the school with gilbert by your side. you completely forgot that you were still holding his hand. when you open the door you see Ruby on the other side of the classroom. she looks at you then at gilbert and then at your hands. you quickly let go of Gilbert's hand and take off your coat and hat.

you sit down in a seat next to Diana.
"How was it?" she asks giggling, he eyes full if curiosity.
"it was fine" you say with a sad expression on your face.
"what's wrong" she asks
"Ruby" you say looking at your desk.
"oh she needs to get over that stupid crush. It's been four years and he doesn't even like her back." Diana says glaring at Ruby who's sitting a few seats behing you.
"I'm a terrible friend" you say clenching your jaw
"no you're not." Diana says.
"yes I am! I stayed over at his place!" you whisper-yell.
"that doesn't make you a bad friend and now tell me did anything happen between you two?"
"not really, I mean we hugged and held hands and stuff "
"no kiss?" she asks smirking
"not yet" you say laughing. "I'm not sure if he even likes me that much"
"oh please! he's staring at you right now!"
"shhh not that loud" you say turning your head in Gilbert's direction to see that he indeed is staring at you. he winks at you and then chuckles. you smile and turn back to Diana with a blush on your cheeks.
"he just winked at me" you whisper
"he totally likes you" Diana replies
"whatever" you chuckle. "class is starting we better pay attention" you say opening your book.
"I don't think Gilbert will be paying attention to class, since he's so busy staring at you all the time"
"oh shut up Diana" you laugh.

When lunch came you sat with Anne, Cole and Diana.
"is Ruby glaring at us?" Anne asks confused.
you turn you head in Ruby's direction.
"I guess that's my fault" you say scratching your neck a frown appearing on your face.
"what happened" Cole asks with a small chuckle.
"Gilbert happened of course" Diana says smirking. you look a little confused at the smile on her face "oh come on y/n! Ruby will get over it soon don't worry" she says laying her hand on your shoulder.
"I hope so" you look over at Gilbert who's now standing with some other guys.


"What were you doing with y/n this morning blythe?" Billy asked.
"none of your business" Gilbert replies as he smiles to himself thinking about you.
"you got a little crush on her?" Billy laughed at him. "I won't blame you I mean the way she showed up all dressed up yesterday."
"what do you mean all dressed up?" Gilbert asks with a frown
"new dress, different hairstyle. Jane told me she even wore makeup.

Did she dress up for me?

He looked at the floor smiling a small blush on his face.
"well I suppose I didn't notice. she looks beautiful everyday"
Billy laughes and nudges Gilbert's shoulder. "alright bud"

Gilbert Blythe X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now