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Gilbert lays on his hammock thinking about you, a small smile on his face. he's coming back to avonlea soon and he hasn't written a letter yet. he grabs a pen and a piece of paper and starts writing with a slight blush on his cheeks. he quickly covered his face so Bash wouldn't notice.


you're sitting behind the counter of your shop. it's been a week since you returned home. the first day off school was exhausting. everyone asked you questions. you didn't tell anyone else about Gilbert to dodge even more questions. the rest of the week was pretty normal. just Mr. phillips yelling at cole. josie spreading rumors and billy getting into fights.

you looked at the money you earned today. you selled quite a few dresses today and were happy with the amount off money. you had finished two new dresses earlier this week and you decided to display them in the shop. your own dress wasn't finished yet as the other dresses came first. you needed to earn money otherwise you would lose your house. it was stressful sometimes with school and work, but you were fine. you finished displaying the second dress and checked your mail while humming a song.

you eyes spreaded wide and you turned silent.
a letter from Gilbert Blythe.
you ripped it open and read it with your mouth slightly agape.

Dear Y/n Y/l/n,

Plans have changed. I'm coming back to avonlea soon. I'm taking bash with me. we're gonna work on the farm together and I'm looking forward to it. I've decided I want to be a doctor, but that's a long story I'd rather tell you in person. can you please not tell anyone I'm coming back? I'm pretty nervous about it. but I'm also looking forward to seeing you again. and everyone else of course. you should come by for tea sometime and we can catch up.

Gilbert Blythe

you looked at his fine handwriting and smiled. you were pretty happy he was coming back. you liked his company even tho you've only seen him once. you read the letter again.

"can you please not tell anyone I'm coming back?"

You hated that you couldn't tell Ruby. It would make her so happy.

you closed your shop and made dinner. you danced around the kitchen because of your good mood and almost put your dress on fire. you chuckled and calmed down. after dinner you worked on your dress. it wasn't even near being finished, but you enjoyed working on it. while you were working you tought about gilbert. He'll probably be back in about two weeks maybe three. you wanted to wear this dress when you come by for tea. you looked forward to it. after a few minutes you decided it was time to go to bed. you just stared at the ceiling before falling asleep Gilbert's letter still spinning in your thoughts.

The next morning you woke up before sunrise. you couldn't go back to sleep so you went down to the shop. it was saturday the busiest day of the week. you opened your shop and started working on an order. it was a dress for a little girl. it was pink with red ribbons. it was kinda plain and not much work. you loved how soft the fabric was. you worked pretty fast. you've been making dresses since you were a little kid. it began with making dresses for dolls. but it didn't take long before you started making your own dresses. and this shop had always been your dream. the sun started to come up as the first visitor came in. it was Diana Barry.

"Diana!" you quickly shot up from your seat to greet her.
"hey y/n" she said smiling at you.
"what are you doing here this early?" you asked as you looked at her with curiosity.
"well I wanted to order a dress, you see I loved ruby's dress so much and you're really talented!" she said causing you to smile
"thank you Diana" you said feeling flattered. "did you bring a dress so I can make it the right size?  you ask as you chuckle.
"I did" Diana said handing you a blue dress. it was a beautiful dress and you gulped. Diana was rich. it made you pretty nervous. what if she didn't like your dress.
"It'll take a minute" you say. you walked to the back to write down the measurements.
"Can I watch you work?" Diana asked with hopeful eyes.
"of course!" you said with slightly raised eyebrows.
"What fabric would you like?" you asked while showing her everything have. your fingers tracing the fabric feeling the softness if it.
"This one is really pretty!" she said pointing at a red one. you nodded.
"I agree! and it would look amazing on you" you say while grabbing the fabric in holding it next to Diana's face.
"when can I expect it to be done?" she asked with a smile and slightly furrowed eyebrows.
"in about a week, I have another dress to finish first" you say smiling.
"a week is pretty fast" she says
"whenever I'm not at school I'm working on a dress." you say chuckling. you walk back to the other room and work on the little pink dress.
"oh how cute!" Diana says as she follows you.
you chuckle "it's for this really cute little girl"
Diana stands up and look at the displayed dresses. it were quite a few.
"do you have anything my size"
"you can try some dresses on if you like!" "the dressing room is over there" you say pointing at the corner of the shop. Diana grabbed a green dress and went into the dressing room.

a few seconds later a woman stormed in. "Diana!?"
it was Mrs Barry.
"she's in the dressing room" you say smiling at her.
"Diana fome out of there at once!"
she yells she's obviously panicking and angry.
"just a second mom!" diana says and Mrs. Barry calms down as she hears her daughter's voice.
she opened the door and stepped out in the green dress.
"it looks amazing on you!" You say looking at her.
"That's because it's an amazing dress!" she says spinning around.
"thank you Diana" you smile.
"did you make that?" Diana's mom asks with a surprised expression on her face.
"I did" you say with a small smile on your face.
"you could learn something from her Diana" she says.
you frown Diana doesn't even like making dresses.
Diana looked down. you felt bad for her. her mother was so strict all the time and it made you a little uncomfortable.
"can I please have this dress as well mother?" Diana asks with hopefule eyes just like before.
"I'll think about it" she says with a small smile. "we're going back home did y/n write down your sizes?" she asks.
"yes I did" you say still smiling friendly.
"alright thank you y/n" she said taking Diana's arm and walking out of the shop.
"have a good day y/n" Diana says
"you too!"

you decide to take a break and pour yourself some tea. from out the corner of your eye you see Gilbert's letter. you decide to read it again.

"you should come by for tea sometime."

you couldn't wait.


I don't know anything about making dresses or how long it takes to make one so if this all makes no sense I'm sorry lmao. I'm also sorry that there isn't much Gilbert yet. He'll come back soon I promise :). just get to know y/n for some more hehe.

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