10 (Final Chapter)

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you and Gilbert have been secretly dating for almost a month now. you still have no idea what you're gonna say to Ruby... It's your birthday today and you and Gilbert are walking to school from his house. you had been staying over a lot lately and rumors about you two being together were spreading.
"when are you gonna tell Ruby?" he asks as he squeezes your hand.
"I don't know Gilbert" you say looking at him.
"she's gonna find out sooner or later you better talk to her" Gilbert says
"but I don't wanna hurt her feelings"
"well she hurt yours" Gilbert says a little annoyed. he hated not being able to hold your hand in public. or kiss you in front of everyone. he wanted everyone to know how much he liked you.
"we're doing better now" you say a little frustrated. "I just don't know how to tell her"
"we'll figure it out I guess" Gilbert kisses your forehead.
"now be happy! it's your birthday! "
you put a smile on your face as you walk towards the school.
"I'll see you at lunch? I have something for you" Gilbert asks smiling and looking into your eyes.
"yea sure" you smile and walk towards your friends.

"Happy Birthday!!" all the girls scream.
"thank you guys" you say smiling.
Diana hands you a present.
"it's from all of us"
you open it with a big smile.
"oh thanks guys that must have been expensive!"
you pull out three books with all kinds of clothes making techniques.
"I love it! thank you guys so much"
you hug the girls and walk to your seat next to Diana. you couldn't focus on class because you couldn't wait to see what Gilbert got you.

at lunch you grab you coat and hat and look around but Gilbert is no where to be seen so you just sit with your friends next to the stream slightly disappointed.
"I brought cake" you say handing out a piece to everyone.
"oh that's my favorite" Ruby says smiling.
you smile at her.
"can I steal her away for a moment?"
you turn around and see Gilbert standing there with a smile on his face.
the girls start to giggle and you blush. you stand up and walk away with Gilbert.
"I'm sorry I didn't see you anywhere" you say giving him a small smile.
"Oh it's alright" he says looking into your eyes. you look around to see if anyone can see you two.
"I got you something!" he hands you a small present.
you open it and look at what's inside.
"Gilbert that's way too expensive!" you say as you pull out a beautiful golden necklace. he scratches his neck as he looks at you with a smile.
"thank you I love it" you say while putting it on.
his smile grew bigger. "happy birthday"
"I could kiss you right now!" you say as you look into his eyes.
"then what's holding you back" Gilbert says while bringing his hand to your face.
"R-ruby and Josie"
"screw them" hey says and just kisses you. you kiss back and feel Gilbert smiling into the kiss. you hear someone gasping behind you. you both quickly pull away.
you look around and see Anne standing there.
"oops" Gilbert says chuckling.
you nudge his shoulder. "idiot" you say with a small smile on your face.
you look over at at Anne again and see that a few other girls are standing there as well. Diana has a huge smile on her face. and Jane and Tillie look rather shocked.
Ruby is crying and Josie looks furious. the smile you had on your face before is now gone and you start to get really nervous. you stay with Gilbert till lunchtime is over. in class everyone is whispering and staring at you. you feel really uncomfortable and can't wait till school's over.

after class you quickly grab your coat and hat and ran out.
"y/n!" you hear Josie pye calling you. you turn around to face her.
"j-josie" you say. Josie looks like she's about to kill someone and ruby's standing next to her with puffy red eyes.
"you're a terrible friend" Josie says putting an arm around Ruby who is crying again.
"I'm sorry." you say with tears in your eyes. "I can't help it that I fell in love."
Josie looks at you with disgust and slaps you right in your face.
"I guess I deserved that" you say bringing your hand to your cheek.
"you did, come on Ruby let's go" Josie says walking away.
you sit down on the floor and tears fall down your face. you feel an arm around you.
"Gilbert what are you doing everyone can see us"
"I don't care, everyone probably heard already" he says and holds you tight. "that bitch had no right to slap my girlfriend, come on we're going to my house"

you walk home with him. home. everywhere felt like home when Gilbert was there with you.

"can I stay over?" you ask sitting at the table watching Gilbert cook for you.
"yea you really don't have to ask anymore" he says smiling.
"thank you" you say with a small smile.
"are you feeling better?" he asks with a small frown.
"yes, thanks to you" you say looking at him
he smiles "anything for my girl"
"this really isn't how I pictured my birthday" you say chuckling.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you where everyone was able to see" he said feeling guilty.
"no don't be sorry. I'm sure Ruby and Josie will be fine. and I'm glad that everyone knows you're mine" you say standing up. you slowly walk up to him and hug him from behind.
Gilbert chuckles and turns around.
you run your fingers through his hair and kiss him passionately feeling your lips tingle.

after dinner you got ready for bed.
you were really tired as you laid down next to Gilbert.
"you know all our first times were in a bed" you say and look at him.
"what?" he asks with a small frown.
"well the first time we held hands and the first time we kissed. and you also asked me to be your girlfriend on a bed." you say
Gilbert chuckles.
"are you gonna propose to me in a bed one day? you ask smiling.
"we'll see" he says smiling back at you.
you cuddle up to him and lay your head on his chest. it feels warm and soft. the fuzzy feeling coming back.
"y/n?" Gilbert looks at you and you notice he's a little nervous.
"yes?" you look up at him frowning slightly
"I love you" he says as he looks at you with a smile. you smile back "another first time" you say.
you stay silent for a moment as you pull him closer and look into his eyes.
"I love you too"
gilbert leans in and kisses you passionately. he wraps his arms around you and holds you tight with no intentions of ever letting you go.


well that was the last chapter. this is the first story I ever finished lmao. please let me know what you think of it.
oh and If you have any questions feel free to ask them. :)

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