Year Cattle Entries to Earth Snow White
PEVY Witch Steven's Year Send down Lucifer Chimneys Agog
Cwis Mas Snow White for Masqued Ships Agog Sails Chimney Apparatus Star Equestrian
Dear Helmet of Salvation,
Greetings and I did find the time to write in here or at least a Cwis Mas greeting though
that Rome Agog Holiday 'tis still a ways off yet. We have one more day after today and
then Nanny Goat's starts back up and I am to bring a Grasshopper in a Grasshopper Jar
to Nanny Goat's the first day back, King George I. This t'was what the telephone calls
t'was about in the kutche'n phone downstairs. Since it 'tis Science Lab I do hope that
someone remembers to bring the frog and the Rubbermaid Bucket. I do also want to
say that even though I am not allowed to read Dr. Dueteronomy News, I do sometimes
read them as I find them put in between the pages of Library Books and Sheep. So
in another way to end the last Chapter, I did want to add you can find Dr. Dueteronomy
Whig News on the Star Web in our Pyramids in our Star Boats above our houses. These
are our Houseboats Upstairs and La Sang for Big Whig and everyone has them. You just
haft to stay on your Boat Walk Upstairs and follow all of Lobster Security Whig and I mean
this and then ye' are safe as usual. It 'tis not hard either as you are far away from
Terrorist Planets anyways. Always stay away from Twin Planet on the side of where
Hollywood 'tis located as in California in the years of Twin Planet and that 'tis as
long as it has been there, as in as long as us, as in our Planet and Cattlebrook Stairs.
If you go up in a Star Boat up above California, then you are dead and as dead as
a doornail and I mean serious stuff. Now why? Ye' ask. It 'tis because the giant
Sharks insist on swimming up in Space there and they ARE SPACE SIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, did I get my point across? Also the giant Sharks swimming there eat cars that
fly off the Planet as these cars exist only for the most part in left over Junk Yards. These
junk cars now giant in Space size Athens are delicous for the giant mean man Eating Space
Sharks calleth Cattlamazo. We want these giant Space sized Sharks to eat these
same cars that fly off of the Planet! This keeps our Space a safer kinder Environoment.
Masqued Empire
Science FictionThese stories are about Space Empires and Wars between Satan Saga Witch and Holy Angels and the Saints that assist them. It is a diary of a fourteen year old girl that lives with her aunt and uncle on a twin planet earth.