Building Another Rome Abeta't
Year Ships and Spools of Ships Send down 1st Chimneys Camelot
Space Harbors Infiltrated Aterisks Ships Chimneys Nooks #7
Big Athens Cities - Planet Z-Star Unit Base 7
Dear Diary Helmet of Salvation,
I went to Meatballs and I wore a short frilly just above the knees skirt and it t'was white
and frilly and very Troy City looking. I wore a navy frilly blouse to go with it. I had on
silk stockings as silk stockings are a way to go farthur up into Space and Roans. I went in
a Trolley Car named Dolly and then I walked the rest of the way for good excercise. I
also wore a rope of pearls of giant sea oysters from the bay behind my apt. The rebuilt
Fodder House now re-built several streets back and over t'was packed to the rim whence
I came in the back kutche'n door. Every King Paupet and Peter seemed to be there. Peters
are the Police Advent and the News givers of Police News given to the public. Men t'were
over dressed in the tweeds and normally only men can even send a Tweed. A Tweed 'tis
a tweet only it 'tis a Tweed PIG and at this time Tweeds are only sent in the Newspapers
Pauper Rich and in future Tweeds can be sent Via Pyramids in a Spoon. The Tweeds also
wore the Bullwinkle Caps as these are men in Military's of thousands of years in the Military
and Vets. Ole' King Sawlomon and King David of Saul from Bishop Twin Planet had also
shown up. Mr. Toad once again drove up in his Racy Car and Mr. Toad is the highest FIG of
Israel. We are calleth 500 BC. Food t'was already round the table able so starved folks
could start to eat. I had brought a corn casserole borrowed from Twin in a minute as in I
borrowed the Recipe not the casserole. 500 BC means that we are soon going to be going
under Water Asag and PIG as Porky PIG warned our Newspapers Pauper Rich Kid and Awl
of Deep Space that a giant Earth Wave t'will take over our land and our land t'will become
many leagues down in the ocean depths and full of octypus of giant octypuses.
"We need to close down the American Military Base as Commons, or Pirates t'will invade
and bomb it!" I heard a very ole' Auntie Tante' Beth saith and she sat in a straight back
chair up against a wall and she t'was speaking to a very ole uncle as in Uncle Paul of Little
Masqued Empire
Science FictionThese stories are about Space Empires and Wars between Satan Saga Witch and Holy Angels and the Saints that assist them. It is a diary of a fourteen year old girl that lives with her aunt and uncle on a twin planet earth.