Ana the Henchmen Word Definitions

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Fob Key General - a FOB Key General 'tis used to build up the first Villages and the beginnings

of Cities Athens and Laodicia that are capable to be able to allow Stone Ships to come down

from Space to land in large bodies of water.  A FOB Key General also builds Churches and 

their Steeples, Ship Yards, Lagoons, Railroad Tracks, Library's, Stores, Hospitals, Orphanages,

and Sckools for the Nanny Goats.  They can also add small steined glass Cathedrals.  They are

the first Sheriff's of Stone Gate and they can put a stop to all fueding in the land.  The first

 Grocers are Stonewicks, followed by Gladdwick, followed by Stone's Henchmen, followed by

 the Green Grocer.  After this cometh regular Grocery Stores and Hardware Stores.  Hardware

Stores are brought by the Prophet of Jonah and Gladdstones.  Main Street 'tis for the first

two stores and this cometh from Ladwhig Methuselah Ships that bringeth down Merchandise

from Holy Heaven Whig and Ladwhig for it's Macedonai Sailing Ships that bring down 

Merchandise Ladwhig Sails Eyeore from Holy Heaven and just below Holy Heaven Whig.  

Pollyanna Ships Ladwhig bring down everything else from Holy Heaven to give to one more

store on Main Street.  

A la' King Paupet - an a la' King Paupet 'tis of the Church and the Robes Messiahs to come.

This doth not mean the Lord God Messiah King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  A la' King Prat

'tis someone that does the exact orders of the kings Abeta't and they do not come up with

any orders on their own.  An a la' King works the hardest whence it comes to overworked

government Officials.  An a la' King 'tis found on his knees as often or almost as often as

the Pope as the King charges him to do this and in Daily Mass Prayer Schedules as signed

the Peter Eaters and Massive Ship Sails above for Mary Poppins Space.  A Paupet 'tis a

Stone Mouse Computer on Land and Ferry and it 'tis to be backed up in Space Masqued

Empires.  A la' King Paupet means that this a la' King must have his own Paupet or at

least access to one.  

Prat - means a Bishop of Senataur that can count how many Ships of any kind of Ship

are coming towards the Globe.  This means safe Ships and Enemy Sea Gull Ships a la'

King.  All Enemy Ships work under a King Seagull and Mass Entry of Illegal Entry to 

Earths and their Henchmen.  A Robed Senator works only from the Land though he

can go up to Space Abhed and be a King there of King Arthur's goat Court a la' King

Peter for King Peter's goat Court.  A Cenataur 'tis a Cenataur from Space and it is

like a Senator except it commands Klaus and Klaux Oceans in a Candle.  A Senataur

works on the land as a Cenatuar Globe Klaux and Klaus Oceans of Gladiator Earth

and he 'tis in command of lowly Spyder Ships with Sails that cometh near Earth

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