Letti's! All of Those Letti's! Year Peter!
A Visit With Pastor Wong
Year Stonybrook Apts Roans Send down Ursuala Military Chimney
Our Boys in Chaldean's Blue! Officer Storm Allen's Chimneys Oats
Chimney Shoes and the Cats that walk on roofs
Chimney Stairs Rooftop Eleanor St. #65987
Dear Angel Helmet of Salvation,
Greetings again. I am still 25 years old if ye are wondering if I skipped over time again
and did not write a word to thee. Ye' are much more faithful to me then I am to thee. I
did get a Letti sent along to me from my cousin that lives far back in teim and the Wheel
of Time Ship. I then am going to send it along to thee and ye' can store it up in an
Heirloom Ship if ye' t'would like to. Below 'tis the Duck's Letti sent to me from Fia
Fairshoes and she'tis almost MARRIED! I can not believe it! She 'tis to marry Officer
Roan Soldier of the Front lines to protect Twin Earth Havelah and he 'tis Roan Elite
Corporal Officer in a PIG WIG for PIGLY WIGLY of the Church of Angelic Rumplestilkskin
and Wool and Strong Oats Military. So this 'tis Roan Officer Tommashew the same
Elite Officer and high Commanding Stone Ship Officer of Angel Masqued Ships Empire
of Stones and now my cousin Fia Fairshoes 'tis to marry him in Marriage 'tis for Carwich.
As if we have Shoes and Liberal Commanders! They are seven days back as 'tis signed
by the Church for that Planet to be there in a Roan PIG to be major Industry and they
are known mostly for Lumber and the Works of it. Oh the Letti! Well here it 'tis. Oh, I
did'st remember day after day to wear the kapf everyday and all days. Oh for goodness
Year Poppings Space Athens Send Down Peachy Street Chimney
For the Church of Peter's Shoes Or Send to rebuilt Fodder House after War
Let God be God and send down Correct Chimney
Dear Cousin Mary Ruth Shoe Van Givens,
Masqued Empire
Science FictionThese stories are about Space Empires and Wars between Satan Saga Witch and Holy Angels and the Saints that assist them. It is a diary of a fourteen year old girl that lives with her aunt and uncle on a twin planet earth.