Everyone Hurts

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Chapter 9

Daniel was stunned to see that it was the women that had broken up with him just a few hours ago. He was too stunned to move, Lexie came out.

Lexie: "Daniel if this is too much for you."

Daniel: "no I'm fine let's go"

Daniel did his doctor work trying to save her doing everything he could. He was stuck in surgery he had no idea that Chelsea herself had come into the hospital.

Bo was right by Chelsea's side the whole way she kept coming in and out though. Bo got worried asked Lexie what was wrong with her but Lexie couldn't tell Bo anything yet she barley ran tests.

Bo: "Lexie what is wrong with her?"

Lexie: "Bo I'm not sure yet let me run more test and find out"

Mean while the other women that Daniel was operating on was not doing so hot, he couldn't concentrate he was stunned seeing her come through the doors he thought that she would have been on a plane already to Jamaica. As time went by Daniel did all he could but it wasn't enough. When he came out of surgery she had to be put on a ventilator to help her breath.

Mean while Lexie found out what was wrong with Chelsea she was just dehydrated  and with the weather being extra hot the last couple days really ran her down and all she needed was some IV flowed.

Daniel and Lexie meet in the hall to discuss what happened.

Daniel: "Lexie I'm sorry for everything that happened"

Lexie: "its fine Daniel just don't let it happen again"

Daniel smiled at Lexie he know that nothing would happen again like it did the first time.

Daniel: "it doesn't look good for her"

Lexie: "are you sure Daniel?"

Daniel: "it hurts, but I did all I could it's up to her if she has the will to live."

Did Daniel really just say that after everything that had happened between him and the women he just operated on the women he called Hun, His winter fling that he meet during his first stay in Salem, the young lady that had been in and out of the hospital the one he had formed a relationship with, that he knew was only to be for a few short flings here and there. He walked away from Lexie before she could see him starting to cry, he walked into the locker room he was pissed for everything that had happened he punched the lockers and then sat down.

Meanwhile Lexie was checking up on Chelsea she couldn't figure out why Chelsea was not getting any better. She needed another Doctors Opinion so she paged Daniel.

He heard his pager go off he was tired of having to run every time that damn little sound went off he sat there his hands on his head just sitting there trying to take everything in and happing so fast it had only been a day that he was back in Salem.. He's pager went off again he was going to throw it against the wall but something stopped him and he decide he should take this page.

As he was walking up to the door Lexie came out and handed him the chart he looked at it and noticed it said Chelsea Brady, could this be right was this the girl from the park the girl from the java café he asked Lexie.

Daniel: "Lexie is this the right name?"

Lexie looked at it

Lexie: "yes Daniel Chelsea Brady"

Daniel still couldn't believe it as he walked into her room his heart sank down to the floor he was motionless he could not breath, she looked so helpless he couldn't believe that the young lady he had just kissed an hour ago was laying in this hospital. He couldn't believe that the women that had just broke it off with him was there and the young lady that had stolen his heart. His heart was ripped in two he had a headache from all this and needed time to think.

Daniel left the room for a few moments looking stuff up on the computer, he was just typing in nonsense then Lexie came up to him.

Lexie: "Daniel are you okay?"

Daniel was just mumbling stuff to himself

"Why, how, it's not far"

Lexie: "Daniel why don't you go and get some rest?"

Just then Daniel got a phone call.

Daniel: "Jonas"...................................

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