Everyone Hurts

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Chapter 8

As Chelsea was walking she just kept running thoughts in her head. Nick was out of the picture so no worry there. Her brother Shawn was gone so she couldn't talk to her brother about her problems, and then DANIEL crossed her mind. He was handsome, he was tall, he had a cute smile that made Chelsea's head spin, and he had such a great voice! She had met him just a few hours ago and had already kissed him.

Daniel was just sitting in his car once again. He couldn't believe he was stuck in Salem having to clean the mess he and "the Women" he liked made. He sat there for a few minutes then he started his car. He got a flash back of him and Chelsea in the park.

"Hello my name is Daniel"

"Hello Daniel, I'm Chelsea"

He kept remembering her. The way she smiled how it made his heart stop, the way she walked, the way she talked, the way she made him speechless. No women had ever made him speechless, he was amazed that she kissed him or sort of kissed him, could it be that he really found someone that could make him whole again?

As Chelsea got to her dads and Hopes she just sat on the porch trying to figure out if she should really go to Victors or not. If she should go and see Daniel or not, if she should dress fancy or casual all of this was hitting her to fast and she ended up passing out.

Daniel was driving he had to head in to the hospital to do some paperwork. He couldn't shake Chelsea off his mind though every time he tried she just kept popping back in his head, as he was filling in some papers he had wrote her name down on the sheet and he didn't even notice until he was proofing it, he was amazed that such a young girl No rather a young lady could make him so dumbfounded!

Chelsea was still lying on the porch passed out, when Bo had spotted her he rushed over to her.

Bo: "Chelsea.......Kid are you okay?"

Chelsea didn't respond. Bo pulled out his phone and dialed 911.

Bo: "yes my daughter is passed out and I need an ambulance please hurry!"

911: "we will be right there"

Bo stayed on the line until the ambulance had arrived.

Bo: "she's over here please hurry"

As the ambulance picked up Chelsea and put her on the gurney she spoke but it was faint.

Chelsea: "Dannnn"

Bo wondered who this Dan guy was or if Chelsea had even said that name. But nothing matter more than finding out what was wrong with Chelsea.

Daniel was sitting in the locker room just about to get off when he got paged a 911 call, he hurried to the emergency doors, and when he saw who was coming through the doors he panicked...........................

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