Everyone Hurts

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Chapter 34

Chelsea ran right into her uncle Roman.

Roman: "Hey Chelsea where are you going in such a hurry?"

Chelsea: "oh nowhere, Im just going back to dads place hang out for a bit read on the hammock outside."

Roman: "oh sounds like you have a great day planed ahead for you."

Chelsea smiled and said "yes I do"

Roman: "Chelsea have you heard from your dad or hope at all this couple days?"

Chelsea: "no why is something wrong?"

Roman: "oh no, no I was just wondering when they would be back?"

Chelsea: "oh I don't know but I was going to actually give my dad a call and give him a heads up what has been going down in the S."

Roman: "Down in the S?"

Chelsea giggled a bit as Roman just stared at her confused.

Chelsea: "Down in the S means down here in Salem."

Roman: "oh I knew that"

Chelsea: "Sure you did Uncle Roman."

Roman: "well Chelsea tell your father and Hope when you talk to them everyone in the station misses them okay."

Chelsea: "Will do Uncle Roman."

And Chelsea went off to her dad's house, she opened the door headed upstairs to grab her new book that she had just bought and then head back down the stairs grabbed a bottled water and walked outside.

Chelsea was amazed to see such a site, she slowly walked up to the picnic table not even noticing that he was sitting on the hammock behind her, she walked over and was about to take the cover off what looked like to be food but before she did he put his hands above her eyes covering her form seeing anything.

Chelsea yelped but then calmed down when she heard his voce.

Man: "Calm down Chelsea I just wanted to do something special for you."

Chelsea turned around and was amazed that he did all this.

Chelsea: "how? Why? When, did you do all this?"

Man: "anything is possible when you have a great girl.... I mean women to do it for!"

Chelsea hugged him and then sat down on one side of the bench as he sat on the other he just stared at her taking in all her beauty.

Chelsea: "what are you staring at?"

Man: "just how, mmm, how beautiful you are"

Chelsea: "Daniel you are too much for me you know that."

Daniel: "no Chelsea you are the one that is too much."

Chelsea: "Daniel if Patrick found out you had planned this lunch he would be so angry."

Daniel: "Chelsea I already told you, why do you keep playing these games when clearly we both know who will win. We may not know each other as much as you and Patrick but we kissed the first day we meet we both felt the connection we are destined to be together, I know it and you know it."

Chelsea: "Daniel right now I don't know anything, all I know is that I'm falling for two men and that can't happen."

Chelsea turned and walked to the hammock she pulled up her book and began reading. Daniel walked up to her and sat next to her on the hammock. He pulled the book from her hand and set it down on the ground.

He placed his hands on her face and turned her face to face his, he saw that she had tears building up in her eyes and he realized she was trying to hide in her book. She was trying to hide all her confusion and sorrow from him.

Daniel: "Chelsea I know you are confused and I understand this is hard but I know how you feel for me or am I just making it all up in my head?"

Chelsea looked at Daniel she wanted nothing more than to kiss him take him up to her room and make love to him but she couldn't not with the way she felt about Patrick that's why she needed them to make the effort of being more committed she got up from the hammock and walked to the back door to go inside.

Daniel Followed. He stopped her before she entered the house he turned her around and pushed her up against the door he hovered around her neck just breathing on it.

 He blew in her ear which sent chills up her spin and then he kissed her she wanted to just melt into him but didn't she just put her hands up to his face and shock her head no but her tongue said other.

They pulled away and that's when Chelsea broke down she pushed Daniel out of her way and opened the door to let herself in the house she ran to her room with Daniel following her. He ran up the stairs just as she slammed the door shut.

Daniel knocked on the door Chelsea screamed for him to go away he knocked once more this time no answer he slowly checked to see if she had locked the door but she hadn't, he slowly entered Chelsea's room this was the first time he had entered her room. So he took it all in.

He looked over to her closet all her clothes were color coordinated he looked over to her dresser not much was on it just a few books, he looked over to her night stand and saw a picture of her adoptive parents the Bensons.

 He looked at the color of her room it was lavender purple. He looked at her bed covers and they were light lime green with some purple Hawaiian flowers. She had pictures of the sun set on one wall and then an ocean view on the other. Her desk just had a laptop on it with her digital camera and iPod, he fell in love with Chelsea's room.

He walked up to her staring out the window he put his hand on her shoulder.

Daniel: "Chelsea I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset, but this is how it's going to go you said you wanted us to show you how committed we are and well I want to show you I want to prove to you that I can be there for you."

Chelsea turned to Daniel, Daniel reached up and wiped her tears away.

Chelsea: "Daniel I'm not sad that you are trying to show you are committed I know you are I'm sad because you are to perfect and I don't deserve you and I need to give Patrick a chance as well and you have showed me more than once you are committed but you also like something you can never have."

Daniel: "Chelsea you will make the right decision I know you will and as for me wanting something I can't have, well Chelsea I have you I know I do and it's me that doesn't deserve you."

Chelsea smiled at Daniel and then hugged him Daniel saw that on Chelsea's night stand was a clock he glanced at the time and realized he was over an hour late from his lunch. Chelsea I would love to stay like this forever but I needed to go and check on my patients, this time for real.

Chelsea looked at Daniel and said goodbye she walked him down the stairs and to the front of the house. Daniel parked a ways down so that Chelsea would not spot his car as he walked out the front door Chelsea smiled and shut it. She needed to take a long shower and think about things.

As Chelsea got in the shower she thought about how her life was so complicated back when she was a Benson back when Billie and Bo were trying to find their daughter Georgia, how her adoptive parents got in that horrific accident how she was a mess after that not wanting any help from anyone until Patrick came along.

She knew Daniel was right about one thing Patrick and her had more memories but sometimes you just don't want to relive those memories. She turned the water off and got dressed she had a few hours before Patrick would pick her up and they would be going on their dinner date.

Chelsea walked outside and cleaned the rest of what was left of her and Daniel. She then headed back in and began reading her book as she was lying on the couch...................

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