Everyone Hurts

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Chapter 16

It started down the hall Kate caught up to Daniel.

Kate: "Daniel wait up"

Daniel was trying so hard to get away from Kate and he decided to duck into the co-ed locker room. Hoping to get away from Kate, but of course Kate being the nosey person she is walked right into the locker room thank god there was no one in there but Daniel.

He turned to face Kate and did a hand gesture pointing back and forth side to side.

Daniel: "Kate what are you doing here?"

Kate moved closer to Daniel

Kate: "well Daniel I do live in Salem."

Daniel moved away from Kate to the other side of the room.

Daniel: "not what I meant Kate, I meant in the employee co-ed locker room?"

Kate: "well Daniel I had to really see if it was you."

Daniel: "well now you know it is so please leave."

Kate walked up to Daniel yet again.

Kate: "Daniel why are you so distant I recall a time when you loved...."

Daniel interrupted Kate.

Daniel: "Kate that was in the past your past you know that I was not myself and you took advantage of that."

Kate: "that's not what you were saying that night."

Daniel turned and looked at Kate and then just laughed a "you're pathetic" laugh.

Daniel: "Kate you know as well as I it never worked out for the best, always the worse and I thought you would have forgot about that night that ONE night long ago."

Kate touched Daniels back Daniel felt a chill go up his back he was denying Kate any right to see his face she then turned him around.

Kate: "Daniel you know as well as I do that what happened happened and you can't take it back and you can't deny it."

Daniel: "damn it Kate! Leave it in the past that's where it belongs. And now if you don't mind I need to go check on Chelsea."

Daniel started to walk toward the door.

Kate: "oh I get it, I get it now."

Daniel wanted so bad to just leave and cheek on Chelsea but of course Kate stopped him he needed to know what she knew he was curious.

Daniel: "okay Kate what do you know? Please in lighten me as to what you so desperately need to get."

Kate: "its Chelsea isn't it. You fell for her just like all the others."

Daniel looked at Kate he knew she was right but Chelsea was different than the others Chelsea had a life to her a spark something he has never seen in the other women.

Daniel: "always guessing Kate, that's just like you never really understanding. I told you once and I will say it again until you get it in your head! YOU AND I WILL NEVER BE! It was one night of meaningless sex and you know as well as I do that I was not myself.

Daniel walked out leavening Kate to ponder for a while she needed to get out of the locker room before someone came in and saw her there.

Daniel walked into Chelsea's room and he was amazed at what he saw!..............................

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