10~ Story time

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Dedicated to Rebygray

Party scatter, party scatter, party scatter, party scatter, as I enter, omo d party scatter.............

I still wonder how I was able to open up to Fidelis, i expected an irritated reaction from him when i told him my messed up life but he said nothing criticizing and comforted me.

I felt disgusted by myself, felt like a disposed trash with no value. As I hurl curses at myself, he told me not to instead he used comforting praises to hype me.

I never expected him to be understanding and comforting, he wiped my tears using his hands and even when I blew my nose on his suit, he said nothing but instead used his handkerchief to wipe them off.

He laughs after some minutes of silence. What was funny?

"What...what happened?" I hicups.

"So because of your past boyfriends, you called me all sort of name, a Yahoo guy at first and asked me not to use your pant!" He laughs hoarsly and i couldn't help but snicker.

"You must have being really hurt, I'm sorry." He tells me with so much sincerity.

"Don't be, you weren't the one who planned on selling me to China, or fake acting as the president son and you aren't a theif," I tell him earning a smile from him.

"You are an amazing person Tari, your past doesn't define you. Everyone makes mistake, everyone has regrets but that doesn't mean  you shouldn't live on. Someone who would love you for who you are is somewhere right now or even next to you, your past shouldn't make you bitter but better. Do not close that door, that door of love and keep loving until the right love comes to you. You are beautiful and one thing I've learnt and come to like about you is how you still try to thrive even though our are scared." I was in awe of all the word he just said; beautiful, sincerely spoken and I openly appreciated them.

"Should I tell you something, it was those days that every good girl must stay at home and let their future husband find them, but these day, women goes men hunting," he chuckles, i didn't understand his words.

"Good girls go to club, club is for relaxation and rejuvenation. The words you said that night are still clearly stuck to my brain," he chuckles again.

"Let me get straight to the point, I like you Tari and I would like to know you better," he speaks looking into my eyes this time. Although it was dark i couldn't help but be mesmerized by his beautiful and enticing eyeballs.

I shiver from the chilly wind, he must have noticed and he wraps his jacket on me. What a gentleman!

Fidelis and I talked inside his car until it was past six when he left Ajegunle. I have never had a reasonable conversation with any of my past boyfriends. We talked laugh chatted and played games, it was easy to have a conversation with him.

While all my past boyfriends would spend money and keep my shut by seducing me, he never attempted to touch me. He made sure to give me space as if respecting my privacy.

When I told Joke of Ramson, she got mad to the extent she wanted to deal with him once and for all. I couldn't tell her more about Fidelis knowing Joke she'd ask me to bring him and make sure to threaten him.

After getting all the foodstuffs we needed from the market, we find out way to Joke's car. While walking there, we bumped into a familiar figure.

We apologised but as soon as we looked up, the figure flinches as he moved backwards.

Before we could react, the figure begins to talk, "please Joke, I just came to congratulate my sister, please don't hurt me," he begs kneeling down.

Joke Shakes her head, " I'm over that now Femi, I forgive you because you are cursed already and you are living a cursed life, adding more curse to your life will make you more unfortunate," she tells him.

I was shocked by Jokes reaction upon seeing Ayo's father, Femi, her ex boyfriend. She would have hurt him and made sure he was beaten.

"You....you," he stutters. His dark and lovely face have been ruined already by marks and injuries which joke inflicted on him. His full round cheek and chubby body were all gone amd replaced with a skinny and bony cheek.

"You've being dealt with already and now I wanna forgive you, because I've moved on and met someone better than you, you never damaged me Femi, I also added to damaging myself by letting the bitterness you left on me make my entire blood bitter, it is well, you are now free to roam around the streets of Ajegunle."

The expression he had on were the same I had on, Joke forgave him and she's moved on? Who is that man? Because the last time I checked, no man can ever get a place in her heart. The only person she considered a bit but allowed her stubbornness get in the way was Chinedu.

When we got home, I was quick to bombard her with questions.

"Joke, you really forgave Femi?" I questioned adding extra question to the first one.

"I'm engaged Tari, last night."

"OMG!" I squeal in happiness for her, she finally agreed to settle down but with who?

"Chinedu, I couldn't push him off any further, all throughout while I mourned Kelechi, he was with me, he travelled to Awka with me just to make sure I was comfortable, he made sure to see to my needs. As much as I rejected to see all the good in him I couldn't when he asked me to marry him." She explains.

Joke was crying, Joke never cried, she marked the day she gave birth to Ayo as the last day for her tears. She cried when she saw Kelechi's body. And now she's crying.

"What man would still be with you knowing fully well you were never loyal and dedicated to him? Even though he knew I cheated on him, he told me he'd take away my pain, he'd bath me with happiness and be a good father to my son. He was insisting on allowing him involved in my baggage." She tells me.

"He gave me three days to reply him and if I rejected him this time around, he'd leave and never return."

"He knew my deed, still yet he accepted me, Tari I'm letting go of all pains, all those hurts that made me bitter, I will keep them behind me and start a new life," i hugged her so tight with happiness.

My best friend was back, AJoke the preacher was back, the girl who would never keep or take an argument to the next day. That was the kind of person she was until she was betrayed by the boy she loved and the girl she called a friend.

She also chased me away believing I was only trying to mock her but I proved her wrong.

The book is coming to an end and I can't wait to give you guys an happy ending.

Joke has let go of the past and she's ready to move on.

Fidelis wants in in Tari's life.

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