12~ A damsel in distress

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Dedicated to pinkette_jax


Six months later

Fate; an inevitable event predetermined by this cause, whereas destiny is a condition foreordained by the Divine.

When I lost Ramson, my whole word crumbled, I was broken, felt like I was not a enough. But loosing Ramson was a blessing in disguise which I didn't know of that time.

If I hadn't lost him then, Ajoke wouldn't or might not have taken me to the club to get over it and maybe I wouldn't have met Fidelis.

I felt disgusted with with his stalking and annoying attitude, how he kept coming back even with the amount of irritation I showed him.

Slowly slowly, he gradually found his way into my life and heart and I couldn't be more blessed and happy than I was.

That night i kissed him made things escalate between us, he had stayed over as we watch a movie together and slept on the couch.

We went on dates; from beaches to amusement park to lakes and many more.

Everyday were like a Dreamland for me, we talked about our daily lives, asking each other questions and assisting each other.

The relationship felt so real and different unlike my other relationship, while sex was what bonded most relationship, ours were different, we bonded in the aspect that we needed to.

We talked, call and the highest we've done in our relation was make out. Even when I gave myself to him he stopped me, telling me it wasn't the right time.

I felt he was disgusted by me because of my past that's was why he rejected me and was mad that I didn't talk to him for the whole day, even though he called and begged me to.

He came over that night asking for what he did, but i said nothing. I felt embarrassed that i was mad because he wouldn't have sex with me, when he kept persisting, I told him.

He explained that he wanted our first time to be special, that he might not be my first but he'd be sure to wipe away every other men body part that touched me and make sure he was my last.

I was in awe of his words and actions, I never felt that kind of feeling for anyone before and then I got to understand the true feeling of love.

Love wasn't all about sex, love wasn't about materialistic things, love wasn't all about touching and the benefits you get from a relationship.

Love was pure and true, you don't force it and you don't push it, it comes naturally and all you want is protecting that person.

Making that person happy because it's something, when you give it away, you end up having more.

It was a magic penny, hold it tight and you won't have any, learn to share it and you have so many. Love was sharing.

Because sharing was caring and when you feel all this, you are in love.

There was nothing more I needed as I made sure I consorted Fidelis in everything I did, telling him of my plans and hearing his opinion.

We were like magnet as we couldn't do a day without talking to each other. I got to he habit that whenever I got something for myself, I made sure to get for him.

Fidelis Okuba was my knight in shining armor when I was a damsel in distress.

To top things all, we were both from the same state, Bayelsa state. He was terrible at the ijaw  language as I made sure to tease him everytime he tried.

Ajoke and Chinedu got married three months ago and she was living happily with him. Before the marriage, she had made sure she forgave everyone and made things right.

I remember the day Ramson saw Fidelis and I at ShopRite. He was shocked and dazzled at my transformation and tried being stupid again by trying to ask me out in front of my boyfriend.

I held fidelis hand trying to tell him to let me handle the situation.

I remembered the words i told him, 'get a good life then maybe you will see the change in life you haven't seen before. Meet the love of my life, Fidelis." I introduced him to Fidelis and fidelis made sure to claim his territory as he pulled me closer to him with his arms around my waist.

'is this your ex?" He asked

I nod my head and Fidelis replied Ramson telling him, "Thanks fo being a dick man, I won a lottery that i don't wanna loose."

The way my face had lit up that day kept me in cloud nine as I couldn't help but feel grateful to Ramson for letting me go.

Coming to think of it, If I had being with Ramson the time i met Fidelis, i would have let go of a priceless diamond over a piece of goat meat.

God made me loose Ramson first to get a bigger pie.

As for Ebi, she has relocated to Abuja with her new boyfriend David, our lives has changed. I moved from Ajegunle after Joke got married. I swear i would miss that place.

Ajegunle was life, fun and had all sort of mixed vibes, the daily drama and the loud music you'd get addicted to. I moved in to a small apartment in Lekki as I refused to let  Fidelis take me in.

I wanted to start my life all over again and for that i needed a new environment.

What a life? When you have a time of hardship just remember there is a light nearby.

Even people from the  ghetto can make it, you might stay in a container doesn't mean you can't meet prominent people. Every disappointment is a blessing in disguise.

A relationship of nine years that ended in a day could be for a relationship of six months leading to marriage.

A relationship of ten years with no marriage can end; maybe one of you would die if you both married or maybe that person was a soul mate you mistook for your partner.

Ajoke might have decided to battle fate herself for bringing her such shame and pain but that same fate brought her a soul mate. Maybe if she hadn't gotten pregnant then and saw Femi's real side, she'd still be with him and he'd have no interest in marrying her.

No matter how damaged you are, how broken or tore you feel, remember, There is a father in heaven watching.

Everyone has their time.


This is my new fav chapter.
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