Fate Part Fifty

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Thank you again for reading my last part! :)

Here´s the next....

If I close my eyes, will it come to life?
Is it something I'm dreaming of?
If a steady hand, doesn't rule my heart,
will it lead me to somewhere happy enough?

Now my soul is sore in a sinful world, 
(and you don't get out alive)
If I meet myself in a halfway home, 
and I will remember the things you said

It was cold outside and you could see the breathing of everyone that came here. There was no color to be seen. It was like a ocean of black clothes that slowly moved to a much darker place. Sunglasses shut them up and build up a barrier so that every beautiful face could break down and still hide their feelings. Each of them was already or was going to break in a few minutes. The trees were lightly frozen and glistering. The cold ground was slippery and dangerous as if it was not in the mood to lead the people to it´s place of destination. There was not even a slight noise, only the sound of silent people walking a walk they never wanted to do. The feeling of anxiety was in the air and was a dark and heavy blanket on their shoulders. No one was able to shake it off or to grasp that kind of feeling. Like no one could believe that they were actually walking right here in the present, not in one stupid dream someone could have had. This was real. The thought of disbelief was settled in each mind and crashed down like a wall which is breaking together as the silence broke by a loud cry. A human cry, which made every person look up. Maddie. Madison fell to her knees in front of the grave of her beloved sister with her wife and their little newborn, innocent baby girl. Silent tears were flushing down Eddie´s cheek as he tried to control the situation. His wife, Dianna was shaking her head and hugged him tightly. Every and each person waited for the priest to say that this was just a bad, a really bad joke. But he he and the others stared down on their coffins. Demi lost her fight against her body, because of all the blood she has lost. And Naya, well Naya committed suicide and dragged her little baby with her. The pathologist said that she and her baby had an dangerous amount of sleeping pills in their systems, which led him to the assumption that they both must have been sleeping as, what witnesses told the police; the car lost it´s way on the bridge and crashed down into one waterfall, which swallowed the car. They´d called for help, but because the water was so unpredictable almost no one was ready to jump into it. They knew that every helping hand was coming too late. There would have been no hope for them. The thought that both must have been sleeping is the only point that helps the remaining family to think that they died peacefully. The family met their girls mortuary and couldn´t believe it. They met their little niece, their first grandchild dead. They never saw her alive. Never saw her smile, heard her laugh or cry, saw her eyes. They would never see the smile on her mommies faces when the would look down on their girl, because there was no one who could look and no one who could be looked on anymore. They were buried in the ground, laying next to each other...It´s been three days since they saw Demi. Saw her smile when she looked at her wife or caressed her bump..They would never hear her hilarious, loud laugh again. Madison wanted to say so much to her bigger sister. She wanted to thank her for speaking up, for standing up for her against all the haters..for helping her become the growing girl that finally accepts herself because of her sister´s words. She wanted to babysit her little niece to tell her and teach her what her mommies wouldn´t do and be her best friend in times of trouble..she wanted to be there for her when she would meet her first boyfriend and stuff..she´d never get the chance to even hold her for one time. Dallas wanted to say sorry for mocking Demi, for not always being the sister she should have been..she wanted to say that Demi was the strongest woman she has ever met..that she was beyond proud of everything she has done. Demi´s parents wanted to fill their prepared room for their grandchild with her grandchild. They wanted to help out when Demi and Naya needed some time alone, for themselves. They wanted to tell Demi how proud they are to have her as their daughter. They wanted to tell Naya that she should have fought. She must have felt overwhelmed and lonely..too lonely to ask for help or support that Dianna would have gladly given her. Dianna wanted to be the grandmother that always has a cake waiting for their grandchildren to eat, to be the one that has always wise words to say, or just be the one that would listen. Eddie wanted to be the one that would teach their grandchild how to build a little stable for the first rabbit, he wanted to be the calm, big bear to hug. And then there´s Naya´s mom..She wanted to say sorry for not supporting her daughter like she should have, for not accepting her sexual orientation, because it´s not what defines people..She let her alone and wasn´t there for her in times of need..Maybe that´s one reason why she felt so helpless as well...But it´s too late. They weren´t ready to part and stayed together..now laying in that deep grave.

The wind was howling through the woods and made it even sadder and more mysterious. No one likes cemeteries but this grave wasn´t one people would want to visit. They left too soon and tragical. Surreal.

Hollow ground and I keep on falling
Breathing in but it's not enough
When I drown my eyes in the river flowing
You said you'll stay just a little more

'Cause the fate is untold
I still hear it calling
But something is wrong
The teardrops are falling
Just before they hit the ground

Dallas helped Madison to get up and joined the hug of Dianna and Eddie, before each of them threw a white rose for each girl into the grave..Only Madison had a black one because she knew that Demi was always fascinated by them and it ironically fits the situation... They began to listen one last time to the words the priest was saying all those minutes long. Even he had to blink some tears away. He swallowed hard and nodded towards the remaining family before they began to walk away. The other people had to walk to the grave and say goodbye just as they tried to do before. This day would change so many life’s and rips a part of each heart that was there out that could never be replaced. Maybe they´d look down on the community and think about what happened one more time. Maybe the´d be the guardian angel for someone from now on. Demi would´ve wanted to be Madisons.

No need to talk about the 'what ifs'..It´s natural though, to think what each of them did wrong or could have done differently so that this would have never happened... but it happened, as hard and cold as it sounds...They had to face a life without the two girls they knew and their little girl no one had the chance to meet...

I can't be your guide in life
You just left me
I can't be your guide in life
You just left me
You just left me

Talking to your ghost all day
Hoping in the same old way
Have you really gone?
Have you really gone?

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