Chapter 1

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Hello readers! This is my first fan fic...(≧◡≦) It might suck, but that's for you to decide. Okayy, so I hope you enjoy it! ♥ 


Chapter 1

My life was a wreck, but a miracle came into it.

My name is Kina. My mother and father were always screaming at each other...Always fighting. We really were struggling with money. Today, they divorced. That warm smile that my mother would always have on her face is now gone. My father's hilarious laugh...I never heard it again. Now, my father moved out, and I can never see him again. My mother could no longer pay the rent for our small apartment. So, she had to move in with her friend. I didn't want to be apart of this anymore...I ran away with all my stuff. I thought my mother would try and stop me, but she didn't. She didn't care about me anymore. 

I lost every one of my friends...I was also bullied, so I no longer went to school.. Why do I need to go to school when nobody cares about me anymore? I don't even have enough money to pay for the textbooks I need to buy...or for fun fieldtrips. I'll just work until I become old and die.

I started working at a restaurant called "Garden's Bliss". It was a very weird name, but It's the only place that let me work there. I don't get paid enough to live in an apartment... So, I sleep in the restaurant. My boss is very kind, and understands my situation. She doesn't want me to sleep on the dirty, cold streets. There's also a shower room, because they live far away from their restaurant, so, they sometimes need to sleep over. They have sleeping bags and sleep in their room at the back. They also have an extra room, and I use that room. I'm very thankful that they'd let me live there.

It was the same thing everyday. Work, eat, sleep, wake up. It was a very boring life...I miss living with my family, but I can't go back. It's been torn apart... It's gone. Sometimes I would go out for a stroll, but I really didn't want to. I'm very nervous, being out in the open... It's scary. For many people, it's not. It's just that I was bullied... They would slap me, call me things, harass me non-stop, push me to the ground. Before, I had so much stress, I failed class. I cut. I had suicidal thoughts. All that is gone now...Staying inside is where I feel safest. I'm around kind people... 

I don't understand why they decided to bully me. I didn't do anything...I don't know what I'm going to do with my life. I once had ideas of what my career could be when I finished university. I can't even remember anymore. My memories are filled with almost all my darkest times. One day, I decided to go out for a walk. I suddenly heard screams of girls, probably teenagers. What in the world is going on here? I thought. I walked until I saw the crowd of teenage girls in front of a hotel. I walked up to one of them and said, "May I ask what's going on?".

"No need to be all formal... ONE DIRECTION IS STAYING AT THIS HOTEL! THE SINGERS!" she answers and continues screaming. One Direction? What is that? I thought. Suddenly, a man that was dressed very formally came out and demanded, "EXCUSE ME, LADIES. Please, go away! Customers are complaining about the noise! LEAVE OR YOU WILL BE FORCED TO.".

"Who cares what he says!", "I'm not leaving!", "I want to see One Direction!", says the girls in the crowd. "Warned you." said the man. "SECURITY!"                                                        In a few moments, security came outside and forced girls away from the hotel. It took maybe an hour for all of them to give up and go home. I really didn't know who this "One Direction" was, so I decided to stick around and find out. I sat on a bench on the other side of the street.

30 minutes later, 5 very good looking boys came out of the building and into their van. One of the boys saw me looking at them, and waved with a smile. I blushed and waved back. They drove away in the van and down the street. It didn't seem like they were leaving the hotel, they were probably going to do work or something..

It Started With a Wave And a Smile ♥Where stories live. Discover now